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January 11, 2021

Summerland Public School Board of Education held a regular meeting, Jan. 11, 2021, at the Clearwater site.

President Ed Nordby called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m., and noted the Open Meetings Act posted n the room.

Roll call taken. Present: Marty Kerkman, Ed Nordby, Nate Schwager, Steven Thiele, Jeremy Wagner. Absent: Candice Hoke.

Motion by Kerkman, seconded by Thiele, to approve the absence of board member Hoke. Voting aye: Kerkman, Nordby, Schwager, Thiele, Wagner. Nay: none. Absent: Hoke. Motion carried 5-0-1.

Motion by Thiele, seconded by Schwager, to approve the agenda. Voting aye: Kerkman, Nordby, Schwager, Thiele, Wagner. Nay: none. Absent: Hoke. Motion carried 5-0-1.

Hoke joined the meeting at approximately 6:32 p.m.

Public participation. No public participation was heard.

Discuss, consider and take all necessary action on board officers and committees. Motion by Thiele, seconded by Kerkman, to leave all officers in their current positions. Voting aye: Hoke, Kerkman, Nordby, Schwager, Thiele, Wagner. Nay: none. Motion carried 6-0.

Officers: President, Ed Nordby; vice president, Nate Schwager; secretary, Candice Hoke; treasurer, Marty Kerkman.

Committees: Americanism: Hoke, Thiele, Wagner

Finance: Kerkman, Nordby, Schwager

Buildings and Grounds: Hoke, Thiele, Wagner

Transportation, Hoke, Thiele, Wagner

Negotiations, Kerkman, Nordby, Schwager.

Consent agenda:

Motion by Hoke, seconded by Thiele, to approve the consent agenda items, with the exception of the Hausmann Construction bill for $1,525,385.30. Voting aye: Hoke, Kerkman, Nordby, Schwager, Thiele, Wagner. Nay: none. Motion carried 6-0.

Motion by Kerkman, seconded by Schwager, to approve the Hausmann Construction bill for $1,525,385.30. Voting aye: Hoke, Kerkman, Nordby, Schwager, Wagner. Nay: none. Abstain (with conflict): Thiele. Motion carried 5-0-1.

Minutes of the Dec. 14 meeting.

Minutes of the Jan. 7 special meeting.

Monthly financial report.

Old business:

Building construction update. Steven Thiele gave an update on the project. Sheet-rocking is being done, roof is done and only the cement left to pour is the stage area in the auxiliary gym.

Superintendent Martin asked how the board would like to proceed with the landscaping. The board would like to get some local bids for the project.

Review, consider and take all necessary action on the FF&E bids. Jacob and Teresa from Wilkins Architecture were present via Zoom to walk the board through the final FFE bids.

Motion by Thiele, seconded by Hoke, to accept the bid from Daktronics, Inc., in the amount of $160,773, for scoreboard equipment.

Motion by Kerkman, seconded by Thiele, to accept the bid from Love Signs, Inc., in the amount of $89,302 for interior and exterior signage.

Motion by Thiele, seconded by Wagner, to accept bids from Duet Resource Group, in the amount of $9,178.59; Eake’s Inc., in the amount of $130,378.03; Office Interiors & Design, in the amount of $165,957; One Office Solution, in the amount of $92,719.84; and to Virco, Inc., in the amount of $35,270.04, for select furniture/equipment pieces. Voting aye: Hoke, Kerkman, Nordby, Schwager, Thiele, Wagner. Nay: none. Motion carried 6-0.

Staffing update. Supt. Martin reported on the work being done to finalize certified staff positions. The early retirement application is open until Feb. 1, so administrators are waiting for that time to pass before finalizing. He also reported that the in-service day, on Jan. 18, will be used to work on curriculum. Principals will be meeting with the classified staff to get input on their preferences for moving forward next year at Summerland Public School.

Review, consider and take all necessary action on staff resignations. Motion by Schwager, seconded by Wagner, to accept the resignation of Miranda Billings, effective Jan. 10. Voting aye: Hoke, Kerkman, Nordby, Schwager, Thiele, Wagner. Nay: none. Motion carried 6-0.

Motion by Hoke, seconded by Kerkman, to accept the resignation of Ed Johnson. Voting aye: Hoke, Kerkman, Nordby, Schwager, Thiele, Wagner. Nay: none. Motion carried 6-0.

Motion by Kerkman, seconded by Hoke, to accept the resignation of Heidi Nelson. Voting aye: Hoke, Kerkman, Nordby, Schwager, Thiele, Wagner. Nay: none. Motion carried 6-0.

Motion by Thiele, seconded by Schwager, to accept the resignation of Bonnie Wies. Voting aye: Hoke, Kerkman, Nordby, Schwager, Thiele, Wagner. Nay: none. Motion carried 6-0.

New business:

Review, consider and take all necessary action on a classified staff contract. Motion by Schwager, seconded by Thiele, to approve the work agreement for Kylee McManigal as a paraeducator for the remainder of the 2020-21 school year. Voting aye: Hoke, Kerkman, Nordby, Schwager, Thiele, Wagner. Nay: none. Motion carried 6-0.

Review, consider and take all necessary action on the purchase agreement for the Clearwater school building. Some details are still being worked out. No action was taken.

NASB update. The monthly NASB update was available for the board.

Administrative reports:

Greg Appleby, Ewing principal reported on attendance at ball games changing to 50% capacity, conversations about state basketball, grounds and maintenance summer contracts, long-term sub and ag position interviews.

Cathy Cooper, Orchard principal, reported on HVAC updates, summer mowing contract, MTSS, Jacob’s Ladder, which is a new program for advanced readers.

Mike Sanne, Clearwater principal, reported academic benchmarks for elementary grade levels have improved.

Perkins grants. Supt. Martin reported on two Perkins grants awarded to the district. One is for broadcasting equipment written by the business teachers: Mrs. Selting, Mrs. Sukup and Mrs. Williamson. The second is for a plasma table written by industrial technology teacher, Mr. Odell. Congratulations were extended to these staff members.

COVID-19 plan update. It was reported that the recommendation from the district health departments is to continue the mask mandate. The board reviewed the current COVID plans and noted that vaccinations for staff will be available soon.

The next regular board meeting will be Monday, Feb. 15, at the Ewing site at 12 p.m.

President Nordby adjourned the meeting at 8:10 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Sally Finch

Recording secretary

Published January 21, 2021



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