Reliable, Trustworthy Reporting, Capturing The Heartbeat Of Our Community


January 2021

Amazon, sup, 936.18; Anson Electric, Inc., labor, 135.00; Appeara, sup, 143.36; Black Hills Energy, nat gas, 6,419.54; Bomgaars, sup, 178.08; Canon Financial, printer lease, 47.81; Capital One Bk(USA), NA, lic fee, 9.90; Clearwater Public School - op acct, misc reimb, 107.03; ColdType Publishing, print, 408.80; Corner Hardware & More, sup, 62.70; DAS - State Accounting, internet serv, 2,133.37; D-K Performance & Repair, rep/serv, 103.63; Dusty’s, fuel, 534.05; Eakes Office Solutions, sup, 69.14; Echo Group, Inc., sup, 799.04; Egan Supply Co., rep, 126.13; EJ Computers LLC, tech maint, 550.00; Elkhorn Rural Public Power, elec, 3,544.30; Elkhorn Valley Family Medicine, bus driver physical, 173.50; Environmental Services, Inc., asbestos surveillance, 310.48; ESU #8, sped, 32,801.06; Ewing - operating, misc reimb, 940.40; Ewing Feed & Supply and Trailer Sales, sup, 632.77; Farmers Pride, fuel, 441.57; Follett School Solutions, Inc., lib books, 446.02; Frontier, tele, 352.51; Great Plains Communications, tele, 304.34; Harris School Solutions, sup, 384.60; Heartland Fire Protection, Inc., range hood maint, 685.00; Island Supply Welding, sup, 118.11; J.W. Pepper & Son, Inc., sup, 86.44; Jostens, Inc., sup, 42.30;, Inc., sup, 98.32; KSB School Law, legal serv, 850.00; Lazy T Tire & Implement, rep/serv, 793.32; Loffler, copier exp, 811.80; Martin, Dale D., mileage, 603.75; MSM Enterprises, LLC, Nov - OT, 1,974.96; Nasco, sup, 66.85; North Central Public Power, elec, 4,268.55; Northeast Nebraska Telephone Co., tele, 556.93; O’Neill Pest Control, pest control, 600.00; Omaha World-Herald, sub renew, 172.95; One Office Solution, LLC, copier exp, 381.51; Orchard Lumber, sup, 96.95; Orval’s Auto Service, Inc., rep/serv, 436.35; Overland Rehabilitation Services, PT serv, 2,667.48; Pitzer Digital, print, 186.96; Ramold, James M. mileage, 63.25; Renaissance Learning, Inc., sub renew - Star Math, 498.00; Rotherham Tire, rep/serv, 62.95; Royal One Stop, fuel, 760.75; Ryan’s Truck & Tractor Repair, rep/serv, 5,864.59; Scholastic, Inc., sub, 39.33; SparqData, lic renew, 2,000.00; Summerland Public School, misc reimb, 428.65; Tierney, 20 Chromebooks - REAP grant, 6,600.00; TJ’s Market, sup, 99.04; U.S. Cellular, tele, 170.09; Verdigre Public School, 2019-20 SA SPED final reimb, 12,569.25; Village of Clearwater, water/sewer/trash, 152.00; Village of Ewing, water/sewer/trash, 373.16; Village of Orchard, water/sewer/trash, 894.62; Wells Fargo, sup, 415.00; Westend Mini-Mart, fuel, 564.94; WEX Bank, fuel, 937.92

Total: 101,087.38

Building Fund - New Project

Elkhorn Rural Public Power, 469.42; Hausmann Construction, 1,525,385.30; Mid-State Engineering, 10,331.00; Wilkins Architecture, 24,702.94

Total: 1,560,888.66

Published January 21, 2021



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