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Summerland Public School
September 2020
Clearwater Public School, misc reimb - operating acct, 1,255.38; Nebraska Unified #1, mis reimb - operating acct, 292.35; Verdigre Public School, misc reimb - operating acct, 204.36; A To Z Vac N Sew, rep, 254.55; Amazon, sup, 3,607.70; Anson Electric, rep, $23.70; Antelope County News, sub renewal, $35; Antelope Memorial Hospital, bus driver physical, 145.00; Appeara, sup, 361.80; Austin Good, grounds maint, $850.00; Black Hills Energy, util, 1,078.24; Canon Financial Services, Inc., printer lease, $22.81; Capital One Bk(USA), NA, sup, 547.97; CENGAGE Learning, sup, 668.20; ColdType Publishing, adv, 304.10; Connor Ramold, grounds maint, 850.00; DAS State Accounting, internet line charges, 2,133.37; DW’s Heating & Air, rep/service call, $125.00; Dusty’s, fuel, 375.26; Eakes Office Solutions, custodial sup, 2,701.44; Egan Supply Co., custodial sup, 75.56; EJ Computers LLC, tech work, 2,317.50; Electronic Systems, Inc., fire alarm inspection, 457.00; Elkhorn Rural PP - Ewing, util, 4,984.66; ESU #2, canvas sub, 600.00; ESU #8, Apex seats/Lasefiche/DL/nursing/NWEA/John Baylor/tech/E-rate/SRS/wrkshps, 54,265.50; Ewing Family Foods, sup, 155.30; ExploreLearning, software license, 875.00; Follett School Solutions, Inc., sup/lib books/rm, 2,752.32; Frontier, tele, 388.23; Goodhart-Wilcox Publisher, sup, 264.73; Gopher, sup, 217.38; GOVConnection, Inc., sup, 284.23; Grafted Tree Engraving, Bobcat lettering/logo on charter bus, 2,810.00; Great Plains Communications, tele, 358.18; Greg Thramer, shed rental - Sept/Oct, 200.00; Harris School Solutions, sup/activity renewal/data setup and conversion, 7,721.18; Innovative Office Solutions, sup, 24.00; Island Supply Welding, sup, 659.24; IXL Learning, software license, 1,275.00; J.W. Pepper & Son, Inc, sup, 19.75; KSB School Law, legal serv, 648.50; Lazy T Tire & Implement, rep/serv, 407.60; Loffler, copier exp, 3,482.38; MakerBot Industries, LLC, sup, 201.73; McGraw-Hill School Education Holdings, LLC, sup/RM, 1,538.54; MCI, tele July/Aug, 124.71; McIntosh Jewelry, sup, 13.40; Midwest Technology Products, sup, 67.80; NASB ALICAP, contribution for 2020-2021, 70,436.00; National Art & School Supplies, Inc., 43.92; Nebraska Safety Center, training, 250.00; Norfolk Daily News, sub, 165.00; North Central Public Power, util, 2,636.08; Northeast Nebraska Telephone Company, tele, 501.83; O’Neill Electric Motor Service, rep, 63.50; Omaha World Herald, sub, 177.95; One Office Solution, copier exp, 475.27; O’Neill Public School, preschool speech, 147.25; O’Neill Shopper, back to school safety ad, 48.00; Orchard Lumber, sup-Orchard, 666.93; Overland Rehabilitation Services, phys therapy, 982.50; Pitney Bowes Global Fin Srvs, LLC, postage meter Aug/Sept, 203.91; Pitzer Digital, printing, 739.94; Proquest, sub renew, 534.53; Popular Subscription Service, lib subs, 713.52; Royal One Stop, fuel, 737.60; Savvas Learning Company, LLC, sup, 741.32; Scholastic, Inc., sub, 378.95; School Datebooks, sup, 126.57; School Specialty, Inc., sup, 113.11; Supreme School Supply Co., sup, 141.78; TJ’s Market, sup, 696.69; Verizon Wireless, cell ph, 72.52; Village of Ewing, util, 779.01; Village of Orchard, util, 894.62; Voyager Sopris Learning, sup, 304.49; Westend Mini-Mart, fuel, 804.42; WEX Bank, fuel, 995.33; Wickersham, Darin D., mowing, 740.00; Willie’s Service, rep/serv, 3,063.75; Xtra Productions, serv, 110.00
TOTAL: 192,511.94
Ewing General Fund
Leaf, copier chrg, 370.81; Tri-State Livestock News, sub, 45.00; U.S. Postmaster, postage, 15.50; Greg Appleby, in-service rolls, 31.96; LEAF copy charges, 370.81
TOTAL: 834.08
Verdigre Public School, refund of startup funds, 360,113.00
Orchard Building Fund
Trane, HVAC rep, 12,950.00
Summerland Special Building Fund
BOK Financial, 1,500.00; Hausmann Construction, 1,684,679.97; Mid-State, 5,943.50; Wilkins, 19,928.57
Published September 24, 2020
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