Reliable, Trustworthy Reporting, Capturing The Heartbeat Of Our Community

-Isms: Original views on life in rural America

Some weeks, I know exactly what I want to say when it comes to this column. The idea takes root and over the weekend, I write and rewrite in my mind before committing word to paper.

Other weeks, it seems like a million ideas swirl and nothing catches my complete attention.

That’s sort of how I feel this week: a lot of words could be written on multiple topics, but I’m not sure there’s anything new to say about politics, the state of the nation, defunding police and the virus that disrupted our lives.

Yet, something a friend asked stuck with me this week.

“What’s something you’re pumped up about right now?”

I stopped to think about her question and couldn’t answer immediately. Was she prompting me to think about a specific cause? Or, did she sense my frustration with all the chaos in the world, pushing me to shift my narrative?

I want to be excited for the upcoming sports season, but will games be allowed? Will Memorial Stadium be at full capacity or will attendance be limited? I’ve been going to Cornhusker football games since, well, the year I was born. I cannot imagine fall without football. So ... if idle chatter turns into truth and football switches to a spring sport ... count me in. I’ll be there if they play this fall, too.

I want to be excited about the beginning of a new school year, but I’m also apprehensive of how it will look and the toll it could take on student learning and health. Teachers, too. The impact of the loss of classroom time will have repercussions, causing a ripple effect we, more than likely, have not considered.

Sometimes, I think we take things for granted, contemplate the negative instead of appreciating silver linings, not realizing how everyday moments of life bring joy.

For instance, it’s rodeo week in Clearwater. It’s a hectic week for a lot of our Chamber of Commerce members, tying up loose ends, ensuring all systems are go when Friday night kicks off the weekend.

I am excited for the rodeo. It’s a great example of how community comes together, how it takes a village to put on a three-day event, how camaraderie enhances that sense of community and greets new friends. It’s pretty amazing when you think about all the work that goes into it.

I’m looking forward to the one-year anniversary of this publication and how our business continues to grow. We’re rooted here, and we will continue to bring a quality weekly newspaper to your mailbox.

Sometimes you have to step back and thank God for unanswered prayers, to borrow from Garth Brooks, and continue on the adventure placed in front of you.

During a time filled with uncertainty, even as we attempt to phase in to a new sense of normalcy, it’s important to find the positive, appreciate good times.

So, I’m asking you, friends. What is something you’re stoked about right now? What is something that brings joy?

I would like to hear your responses, get a conversation started about something you believe in.

If you’re inclined to respond, send emails to [email protected].


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