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Holt County leaders handle light mid-month agenda

The Holt County Supervisors approved purchase of a vehicle for the sheriff’s department, when they met at the courthouse in O’Neill on May 18.

The lease-purchase through the Nebraska Association of Counties Leasing Corporation, was approved by resolution, in an amount not to exceed $26,900, with an interest rate of not more that 2.5%.

The supervisors unanimously approved a $2,722,583 bid from Knife River Midwest from Sioux City, Iowa, for asphalt overlay projects near Page, Emmet and Stuart. Knife River was the only bidder.

Proposals from 10 Point Construction in Dennison, Iowa were also approved unanimously, for hot mix patching, including $14,208 for a project near the Allyn Dam north of Stuart and $43,800 for a project in the Cargill area southeast of O’Neill.

The supervisors will convene as a board of equalization to hear property valuation protests June 16, June 30 and July 16, with July 20 reserved for additional protests if necessary.

In other business, the supervisors:

~Acknowledged receipt of a letter from the Tax Equalization and Review Commission deeming 2020 Holt County levels of value for real property meet state requirements;

~Approved tax list corrections submitted by assessor Tim Wallinger;

~Heard quarterly report from veterans’ service officer Ken Stenka;

~Heard process for appointment of a member to the board of adjustments from county attorney Brent Kelly;

~Approved three right-of-way permit applications submitted by Elkhorn Rural Public Power District, for electric cable to irrigation systems in sections 34 and 35 of Deloit Township, south of Ewing; and

~Approved by resolution, a preliminary agreement with Speece Lewis Engineers of Lincoln for a Nebraska Department of Roads federal-aid project, O’Neill West.


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