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Investigate outdoors with the Great Park Pursuit

Summer is on the horizon - and so is the 2020 version of the Great Park Pursuit.

As a safety measure, the start of the traditional Great Park Pursuit is being delayed until the COVID-19 threat is lessened, and it is safe to travel the state visiting our many park areas.

“Because we are not able to open the Pursuit, and are not accepting impressions at the present time, we are instituting the Great Park Pursuit Backyard Challenge to encourage you get your team registered and ready for park season and the 2020 Great Park Pursuit,” said a Game and Parks official in a press release.

The Backyard Challenge is easy:

Step 1: Register your team (or update your team if needed; once created, your team stays in our system, so you can use your 2019 log in credentials.)

Step 2: Complete any of the challenges listed on the Great Park Pursuit website.

Step 3: Take a picture while doing the challenge activity – and holding a print of the Backyard Challenge image in the photo

Step 4: Post your photo to the Great Park Pursuit Facebook Page.

Guidelines and image can be found in the activities tab on the website or in a post on the Great Park Pursuit Facebook Page. The image can be printed in either color or black and white. If you don’t use Facebook you can email the pictures to [email protected].

For each valid challenge completed, your team will receive one chance in a special prize drawing for one of two $250 Scheel’s gift cards.

The Great Park Pursuit Backyard Challenge will remain active until public travel directives are relaxed and the official 2020 Great Park Pursuit post locations and rubbing sheets are released.

Visit for more information.


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