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FFA students compete in district event

Orchard FFA had a strong showing at district career development events in Norfolk last week.

The chapter took 25 members who competed in nine different contests.

The ag sales team earned a red ribbon and placed fifth. Avery Cheatum finished 10th. Other team members include Morgan Erhardt, Taelyn Switzer and Larissa Thomson.

In agriscience, Trevor Thomson ended 39th and earned a red ribbon. The team, which also includes Emma Kerkman and Jaykwon Petite, finished 14th and received a red ribbon.

The agronomy team, comprised of Levi Cronk, Taylor Rose Bolling, Brooke Knievel and Trevor Thomson, finished eighth, earning a red ribbon.

Envirothon team members finished sixth and earned a red ribbon. Team members are Kerkman, Elly Herley, Ty Rix, Dillon Moser and Melany Mendoza.

Cronk, Maddy Melcher, Erhardt, Kylie Hewett and Kaci Wickersham received the highest score in the horse portion of the contest. Overall, they earned a blue ribbon, finishing in ninth place.

Two members of the meats team earned individual ribbons. Tessa Peed finished 23rd, while Rix ended in 34th place. The team, which also included Herley, Grace Maxwell, Moser and Petite. They finished ninth and brought home a red ribbon.

Wickersham placed sixth in veterinary science, while Hewett finished 29th and Logan Mueller, 30th. Wickersham received a blue ribbon. Hewett and Mueller earned red ribbons. Overall the team, which also included Switzer, Cassidy Bearinger, Melcher, Larissa Thomson and Lizett Marino, placed sixth.

Gage Switzer won first place in GMAW. Joe Ferris finished sixth in SMAW and earned a red ribbon. The team placed 10th. Collin Mullins also competed in the event.

The chapter will compete next at the Nebraska State FFA convention, April 1 to 3, in Lincoln.


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