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Clearwater quiz bowl team advances in radio competition

Congratulations to the Clearwater High School quiz bowl Team for winning the first match in the KTCH Radio Quizbowl Competition.

The match began with Clearwater getting the first question. They racked up a point by correctly answering zinc as the element with the symbol “Zn” on the periodic table. David City countered by correctly answering nickel as the element with the symbol “Ni.”

The Clearwater team was then asked the author of “Around the World in 80 Days,” which sadly they could not respond “Jules Verne.”

This gave David City the lead, 2-1, after they correctly stated that Miguel de Cervantes wrote the book, “Don Quixote”.

Clearwater correctly answered the next question with Caracus being the capital of Venezuela, making the score 2-2.

As David City was unable to come up with Kingston for the capital of Jamaica, the match went into sudden death.

In sudden death, whichever team answers correctly while the other team does not, wins the match.

Clearwater finished victoriously by answering that the capital of New York was Albany, while David City incorrectly stated that Philadelphia was the capital of Pennsylvania.

The Clearwater High School quiz bowl team will be competing again on Feb. 12, at 10:30 a.m., against Columbus.

Listen on KTCH radio 104.9 FM or at

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The quiz bowl team is sponsored by Tilden Bank of Clearwater, Clearwater Feed and Grain, Northeast Nebraska Telephone Company, Bearinger Tax and Accounting, and L Bar B Steakhouse and Lounge.


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