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O'Neill man sentenced in Holt County court

Sergio V, Velasquez, 31, of O’Neill was sentenced by the Honorable Kale Burdick in the Holt County court last Tuesday, Jan. 14, on three counts, Count II, no operator’s license, a Class 3 misdemeanor; Count III, refuse to submit to pretest, a Class 5 misdemeanor; and Count IV, refuse to submit to test, first offense, a Class W misdemeanor. Burdick sentenced him to fines of $75, $100 and $500, respectively; eight months’ probation, including fees totaling $210; and $50 costs of prosecution. Velasquez changed his not guilty pleas to guilty on the three counts Oct. 1 and Count I, first offense driving under the influence and Count V, unlawful use of a wireless communication device, were dismissed by Holt County prosecutor Brent Kelly. Velasquez was arrested May 10 in O’Neill.

Roger R. Hauf, 18, of O’Neill pleaded guilty by waiver and was sentenced to a $150 fine and $49 costs for a Class 2 misdemeanor count of hunting deer without a permit on Christmas Day, about one mile north of O’Neill.

Avery A Dilsaver, 39, of O’Neill pleaded guilty and was fined $50 and $49 costs for an unspecified Class 3 misdemeanor violation of Nebraska Game and Parks regulations. He was cited Jan. 3 on the Cowboy Trail west of Shamrock Livestock Market in O’Neill.


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