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Erbs excited about transition following sale of Orchard business

Keeping small-town businesses alive seems to be a concern, especially when it comes to selling a business.

After having their business on the market for awhile, Cliff and Shirley Erb are excited about turning over the keys to new owners, Tammy and Glen Cheatum.

“They have some energy and ideas, and they are going to continue to keep the doors open on Main Street,” said Shirley.

For 52 years, the Erbs owned Corner Hardware Store in Orchard. They bought the building in 1968

Throughout the years, if there ever was a struggle with the store, the couple seemed to find a way to handle it.

One major memory for the Erbs was when Ashfall Fossil Beds opened up about 11 miles out of town, and they decided to add fudge and candy to the mix.

During a trip to Quartzsite, Arizona, in 1989, the Erbs met a husband and wife team who produced fudge and other homemade candies.

Cliff said to give the Erbs a call if they decided to quit.

The call came in 1992.

The husband’s wife had passed away and he wanted to sell the business.

So he loaded counters, a glass display case, marble slab and candy machines and drove to Orchard.

As a matter of fact, the couple has already started teaching Glen and Tammy the ropes on how to make the fudge.

The Erbs are excited for retirement and the sale of the store.

Yet, Cliff and Shirley will miss seeing all the people on a daily basis.

“We have been here over 50 years; it’s time to let someone young with energy get in,” said Shirley.


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