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(293) stories found containing 'vote'

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  • Henery tabbed to lead Antelope County commissioners

    LuAnn Schindler, Publisher|Jan 26, 2023

    A familiar face will chair the Antelope County Commissioners following a vote by the board, Jan. 10. Charlie Henery was elected to serve as the 2023 chairman, following a 4-0 vote. Keith Heithoff, of Elgin, was elected vice chairperson. Commissioners appointed Tom Nelson to serve as veterans service officer; Bryan Cornett, weed superintendent; Megan Wingate, zoning administrator; LaVern Schroeder, surveyor and Brian McDonald, highway superintendent. Committe appointments for the upcoming year...

  • Should we even consider a two-house Legislature?

    J.L. Schmidt, Statehouse Correspondent Nebraska Press Association|Jan 26, 2023

    Every session of the Nebraska Legislature features what promises to be a real clunker of a bill. This year's prizewinner – so far – is a proposal to change from a unicameral to a two-house Legislature. Even the sponsor of the measure - LR2CA - admits that the proposed constitutional amendment probably won't get out of committee. Sen. Steve Erdman of Bayard says it will be because of those "people living in the east." The Nebraska Republican Party included in its platform a plank calling for a "...


    Jan 26, 2023

    PROCEEDINGS SUMMERLAND PUBLIC SCHOOL BOARD OF EDUCATION Summerland Public School Board of Education met in regular session, Wednesday, Jan. 18, 2023, in the school’s board room. President Ed Nordby called the meeting to order at 6:32 p.m. Nordby noted the Open Meetings Act poster in the board room. Members present: Nordby, Nate Schwager, Scott Thiele, Steve Thiele, Austin Twibell and Jeremy Wagner. Nordby turned the meeting over to Superintendent Finke for election of officers. All board members took the oath of office. Discuss, consider and t...

  • DeKay tabbed to serve on Transportation and Telecommuncations, Judiciary committees

    Barry DeKay, District 40 Legislator|Jan 19, 2023

    I'd like to introduce myself. I am Senator Barry DeKay, newly elected to represent District 40 in the Nebraska Legislature. District 40 consists of Antelope, Cedar, Dixon, Holt, Knox and Pierce counties. I am a lifelong resident of rural Niobrara, a fourth-generation rancher and a longtime high school basketball referee. My wife Brenda and I have two children. I am honored to serve the residents of northeast Nebraska in the Legislature. The 108th Legislature began Jan. 4. Thirteen newly-elected...

  • The fix is in, Legislature off to rocky start

    JL Schmidt, Statehouse Correspondent Nebraska Press Association|Jan 19, 2023

    My observation from the opening days of the 108th Nebraska Legislature: “The fix is in!” Google it, information worth having as this highly partisan-influenced session stumbles on. In the 20s, when the term first surfaced, it meant the deal was done – probably in advance. There is also mention made of bribes or payoffs. I’m not suggesting that’s in play right now, or is it? Chairmanship races this year were cut and dried, not unlike five years ago when the majority party in the officially nonpartisan Legislature met before the session c...

  • Tielke reelected to chair Holt County Supervisors

    LuAnn Schindler, Publisher|Jan 12, 2023

    Bill Tielke will serve as chairman of Holt County Supervisors, who elected him to the position for 2023 during a statutory session, Jan. 5, at the Holt County Courthouse. Doug Frahm will chair the county's board of equalization. Supervisors approved board of representatives and delegates, as well as committee assignments for 2023, including: • Bonds: Darrin Paxton, Frahm, Tielke; • Bridge: Frahm, Paxton and Scott Keyes; • Claims: Frahm (chair) and the entire board; Courthouse: Frahm, Dusti...

  • Where have we been? Where are we going?

    JL Schmidt, Statehouse Correspondent, NPA|Dec 29, 2022

    Here we are sandwiched between Christmas and New Year. Time to take stock of what we've been through as it impacts what lies ahead. In case you were somehow fortunate enough to sleep through it, 2022 was an election year. A couple really rich guys and some others ran for the Republican nomination for governor to replace term-limited Deep Pockets Pete Ricketts who still managed to throw enough money around to have an influence. Before you get all upset by that, remember that I have said before it isn’t illegal to spend his own money or the f...

  • No nitrate police: State, local regulators can't, or won't, stop drinking water from getting worse

    Yanqi Xu, Flatwater Free Press|Nov 24, 2022

    The farmer was growing impatient. He and dozens of other central Nebraska farmers had gathered for mandatory training in Columbus a few weeks before last Christmas. In response to high nitrate levels, the Lower Loup Natural Resources District had designated a "Phase 3 area." That led to new requirements – like this training to help farmers manage their nitrogen fertilizer use. The farmer didn't like this. He told NRD leaders he had been drinking water containing nitrate at 40 parts per m...

  • Supervisors approve updated zoning regulations, send solar proposals back to planning committee

    LuAnn Schindler, Publisher|Nov 24, 2022

    After sifting line by line through proposed zoning regulations, Holt County Supervisors approved changes for regulations regarding pipelines, carbon pipelines and wind energy. Proposed regulations for solar energy were sent back to the county's planning and zoning board for additional information during the Nov. 16 meeting. Pipeline regulations Proposed regulations update the definition of pipeline to include crude oil, tar sands and affluents. Per regulations, a pipeline will be "any pipe with...


    Nov 24, 2022


  • Voters approve higher minimum wage, voter ID in midterm election

    LuAnn Schindler, Publisher|Nov 17, 2022

    Two initiative measures - one requiring photographic identification, one increasing minimum wage - were passed by Nebraska voters during the Nov. 8 General Election. Initiative 432 amends Nebraska's constitution, to require voters to "present valid photographic identification" prior to voting. Nebraska's Legislature will hammer out the details, according to language in the measure. Voters also approved Initiative 433, which will gradually raise the state's minimum wage from the current rate of...

  • Time is running out to save local news

    News Media Alliance|Nov 17, 2022

    Local journalism is a cornerstone of democracy and a vital source of information for communities across the country, with newsrooms covering local politics, high school sports, local business openings, cultural events, and other matters that help a community remain vibrant and connected. But the industry is facing an existential crisis because of the unyielding power of Big Tech platforms, such as Google and Facebook. With less than four weeks left in this Congress, now is the time for the Senate to pass the Journalism Competition and...

  • Chamber building upgrade gets the nod

    LuAnn Schindler, Publisher|Nov 17, 2022

    The Clearwater Chamber of Commerce will continue to develop plans for a proposed building at the organization’s rodeo grounds. The size of the building is yet to be decided, following a vote of members at the chamber’s Nov. 1 meeting. President Curt Thiele said the organization entered a purchase agreement, with Carla and Eli Jacob, for approximately 1.73 acres adjacent to the chamber property during July. Then, plans were devised to construct a 60-foot by 50 -foot building, which would hou...

  • Isms: Views on life in rural America

    LuAnn Schindler, Publisher|Nov 10, 2022

    By the time this edition of SAM hits your mailbox, election results should be completed and canvassing boards will have or will be scheduled to meet to verify results. I did my civic duty and cast a ballot. Did you? I haven’t missed an election since I hit that magic age of 18. I also perfomed a second civic duty prior to the election and it’s an experience I encourage any registered voter to undertake. After several discussions, over multiple years, about election processes, with Antelope Cou...

  • Native community continues fight against Lincoln development

    Hanna Christensen, Nebraska News Service|Nov 10, 2022

    Native Americans in Lincoln and their supporters are continuing their fight against the Wilderness Crossing development set to be built near Wilderness Park. The legal team for the Niskithe Prayer Camp, which formed to protest the city's support for Wilderness Crossing, is deciding how to respond to the latest legal development and hopes to take action soon, said Rose Godinez, senior legal and policy counsel for ACLU Nebraska. Additionally, University of Nebraska-Lincoln professor Lory Dance...

  • Election 2022

    LuAnn Schindler, Publisher|Nov 3, 2022

    Polls open at 8 a.m., Tuesday, Nov. 8, for voters to cast ballots in the 2022 general election. Summerland-area precincts include the American Legion, Clearwater precinct; city hall, Ewing precinct; fire hall, Orchard precinct; fire hall, Page precinct and Royal Auditorium, Royal precinct. Races on the midterm ballot include local and state offices. On the state level, area voters will select a representative for the third district, governor and lieutenant governor, secretary of state,...

  • Letter to the editor

    Nov 3, 2022

    Dear editor: Education is the key, and the fix is local. We the people have the power to control our elections at the county level as stated in Nebraska Legislature Article 3, Sec 18 of the Nebraska Constitution states: The Legislature shall not pass local or special laws in any of the following cases: Regulating county and township offices. Providing for the election of officers in townships, incorporated towns or cities. The opening and conducting of any election or designating the place of voting. Our county clerk states it’s unlawful to m...

  • Potential voter ID legislation stirs debate in pre-election hearing

    Owen Reimer, Nebraska News Service|Oct 27, 2022

    LINCOLN — Nebraska does not require people to present a photo ID at a poll booth on Election Day. Ballot Initiative 432, a bill that caused contention for members of Nebraska’s 1st Congressional District, is designed to change that. The last of three hearings for this initiative took place Tuesday, Oct. 16, when seven proponents and 11 opponents testified in front of Secretary of State Bob Evnen. Appearing on Nebraska’s ballot in the Nov. 8 election, this initiative would require a physical ID, with photo identification, to cast a vote, which...

  • No action taken on handcounting ballots

    LuAnn Schindler, Publisher|Oct 20, 2022

    Dialogue between Antelope County Commissioners and members of the Antelope County Patriot group became contentious, at times, during the Oct. 11 commissioners’ meeting in Neligh. Prior to the Patriots’ presentation, county attorney Joe Abler suggested the board enter executive session to review a letter from Nebraska Attorney General Doug Peterson, regarding clarification of terms in the state’s election statutes. Following executive session, which lasted approximately 15 minutes, audie...

  • Social media app re-emerges, but is it safe?

    Erin Schwager, Journalist|Oct 6, 2022

    It's back. Yik Yak, a social media app shut down in 2017 following incidents of bullying on high school and college campuses, has reinvented itself and is blowing up once again. Created in November 2013, Yik Yak was the brainchild of two college students in South Carolina who intended the app to be beneficial for college students. After changes were made to limit anonymous postings, use significantly dropped off. Essentially, the app allows any user to create "Yaks," or anonymous threads. App...

  • Who's making the decisions?

    LuAnn Schindler, Publisher|Sep 15, 2022

    The North Central District Health Department board of health faced several questions from some of its own membership, Friday, when the group met in O'Neill. Concerns about the structure of the board of health and powers granted to an unidentified executive committee, legal representation, the district's computer system policies and lack of complete inventory, were expressed. James Ward, a Cherry County Commissioner serving on NCDHD's board, asked what action was taken, and when, to form an...

  • No decision made on voting procedure changes

    Erin Schwager, Journalist|Sep 15, 2022

    Voter integrity was yet again a topic of discussion when Antelope County Commissioners met, Sept. 6, in Neligh. Chairman Charlie Henry opened the floor to Sheryl Baker, who yielded her time to Mike Seier, who spoke about materials presented by Antelope County Patriots at the previous board meeting. Commissioner Regina Krebs questioned information that had the official tally with a "true" number, and she was interested where that number came from. According to Connie Baker, the information came...

  • Supervisors do not act on resolution

    LuAnn Schindler, Publisher|Sep 8, 2022

    A group of individuals concerned about voter integrity addressed Holt County Supervisors, Aug. 31, about the possibility of handcounting ballots. Chairman Bill Tielke told the gallery of 35 visitors the board was not required to make a decision following public comment. Grace Coleman, of Atkinson, told supervisors she is concerned about the safety of this November’s election. “If we cannot be assured that our elections are secure and no one has changed any results, then we just as well con...

  • Former Republican Wright could join Nebraska governor's race as nonpartisan

    Aaron Sandeford, Nebraska Examiner|Sep 8, 2022

    Nebraska voters looking beyond the two major political parties and a Libertarian could have a fourth choice on November's general election ballot for governor. Long-odds candidate David Wright of Ewing is trying to get on - as a nonpartisan candidate. Wright, a former Republican who has re-registered as a nonpartisan, should hear next week if he turned in enough valid signatures to petition onto the fall ballot. Wright spoke at a Kearney event organized, in July by the Nebraska Freedom...

  • Commissioners debate wages for road boss

    LuAnn Schindler, Publisher|Sep 1, 2022

    How much should Antelope County’s road superintendent be paid annually? Conversation about wages for Aaron Boggs, who fills the position, filled approximately 30 minutes of discussion, Aug. 24, when the commissioners met to discuss budgeting for next year. A committe, comprised of commissioners Dean Smith and Regina Krebs, met with Boggs and reviewed pay for the same position in surrounding counties. “Our suggestion for the road superintendent will be his salary will be the same as the cou...

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