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(132) stories found containing 'property taxes'

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  • School board rejects offers for Ewing property

    LuAnn Schindler, Publisher|Jul 21, 2022

    Who will eventually purchase the former Ewing school property remains unknown as Summerland Board of Education members voted to reject all offers, "because of irregularities." The decision was announced following an executive session which lasted 73 minutes. "Not one of the offers is the same to the others," Superintendent Kyle Finke said. The board also directed Finke to take one of two courses of action. “Supt. Finke may make a counter offer or set an auction date,” President Ed Nordby sai...

  • Supervisors discuss postcard mailing

    Erin Schwager, Journalist|Jun 9, 2022

    Holt County Supervisors tackled several topics during a regular meeting, May 31, in the supervisors’ room at the Holt County Courthouse in O’Neill. A quick discussion was held about watering of roads. Chairman Bill Tielke mentioned that people are watering their roads with sprinklers. He instructed county clerk, Cathy Pavel, to send a notice out to inform the public that it is against the law to saturate any road: including the use of all sprinklers; it is not limited to just irrigation end gun...

  • Legislative session ends

    Sen. Tim Gragert|Apr 28, 2022

    The 107th Legislature, second session, has adjourned sine die. The last day was filled with last-minute items, the governor’s closing speech and ceremonial procedures. The 13 senators who won’t be back in January, either due to term limits or deciding not to seek a second term, were recognized. Although I won’t be running for another term, I will miss my colleagues and am thankful for being given the chance to serve with them in representing the State of Nebraska. When I ran for office, my pr...

  • Legislators override all but one line-item vetoes

    Senator Tim Gragert|Apr 14, 2022

    Many major issues were dealt with this past week in the Legislature, with the most significant being the passage of LB 873. When fully implemented, LB 873 will result in almost $900 million in annual tax relief. The legislation sets a floor for the refundable income tax credit of $548 million in 2022 and $560.7 million in 2023. This guarantees an approximate 25% refund for property taxes paid to school districts. Additionally, a similar income tax credit will be implemented for property taxes pa...

  • Gragert meets with local residents, discusses priority bills

    LuAnn Schindler, Publisher|Apr 7, 2022

    Even though only a handful of days remain in the 2022 legislative session, District 40 Sen. Tim Gragert said he wants to hear from constituents. Gragert met area residents, Friday, at the Antelope County Ag Society Event Center. Through redistricting, following the 2020 census, Antelope and the northern part of Pierce counties were added to the district. Gragert, who will serve through January 2023, said, "I have never taken this job as a position or title. I stepped up, put my best foot...

  • Prison debate continues in legislature

    Sen. Tim Gragert|Apr 7, 2022

    The Legislature gave final approval to the budget bills. During the 90-day legislative session, the biennial budget is crafted. During the 60-day session, adjustments are made. This was a much more demanding task this year due to the increased revenue projections and the influx of federal money due to the pandemic. The budget was filibustered at every stage of debate, not because of what was in it, but due to possible amendments that could have been added. The budget sets aside $175 million for...

  • Holt County supervisors deny planning and zoning moratorium

    LuAnn Schindler, Publisher|Mar 24, 2022

    After existing for 42 years, Holt County's comprehensive plan will be updated. But, a proposed 18-month moratorium on industrial pipelines, wind and solar power, will not be in effect while updates take place. Supervisors voted 6-0, Wednesday, March 16, to deny the moratorium, following a public hearing in O'Neill. The moratorium request came from the county's planning and zoning commision, which voted 6-2 in favor of the moratorium, March 7, following a two-hour public hearing. At that time, la...

  • Johnston announced legislative bid

    Mar 17, 2022

    Robert E. Johnston, a fifth-generation farmer and producer from Clearwater, recently announced his candidacy for Nebraska Legislature District 40. Johnston, a staunch advocate for rural Nebraska and lifelong community leader, filed with the Nebraska Secretary of State for the upcoming election. "I have always been intrigued by the legislative process and, with a growing rural-urban divide across the state, now is the time for a strong voice to represent the voters of the 40th District," said...

  • Gragert selects LB925 as priority bill

    Sen. Tim Gragert|Mar 3, 2022

    The Legislature has passed the midway mark in this 60-day legislative session. The priority bill designation process is also complete. From this point on, generally only bills with priority status will be debated by the Legislature. Every senator gets to select one bill as their priority bill, every committee can pick two and the speaker is authorized to designate 25 bills as speaker priority bills. I selected LB 925 as my priority bill and it received first-round approval this past week on a...

  • Property tax bills introduced in legislature

    Sen. Tim Gragert|Feb 3, 2022

    This past week, the Legislature gave first-round approval to two bills offering tax relief for Nebraskans. Further debate on the two proposals will wait until we are further along in the session and have a better idea of projected revenues and expenses. LB825 accelerates the phase-out of the taxation of social security benefits. Under the proposal, all social security benefits will no longer be subject to the income tax, beginning in 2025. LB723 guarantees a higher level of property tax relief...

  • Bills, resolutions introduced

    Sen. Tim Gragert|Jan 27, 2022

    Just more than 600 bills and constitutional amendments were introduced during the 10-day bill introductory period for this legislative session. Currently, various committees are in the process of holding public hearings on every bill introduced. Senators gave second-round approval to LR14 this past week. This resolution would serve as Nebraska’s application for a convention of the states, authorized under Article V of the U.S. Constitution, to limit the power of the federal government, impose f...

  • Legislature discusses use of ARPA funds

    Sen. Timothy Gragert|Jan 20, 2022

    On Thursday, Jan. 13, Governor Ricketts presented his final State of the State Address to the Nebraska Legislature. The governor emphasized his message over the past eight years has been to Grow Nebraska. He reported this has happened, despite floods, fires and a global pandemic. He touched on his priorities for this year, which include tax relief, strengthening public safety and investing in natural resources. He endorsed legislative proposals to accelerate the phaseout of taxing Social...

  • Denied

    LuAnn Schindler, Publisher|Dec 30, 2021

    Based on the county's comprehensive plan, Holt County supervisors denied a perpetual wetland reserve easement, for Melvin Knox's Bar K Bar , LLC, during a Dec. 16 public hearing, at the courthouse in O'Neill. Supervisor Doug Frahm made the motion, which passed unanimously. Supervisor Dustin Breiner was absent. The hearing, which lasted more than an hour, was a required step, following a Dec. 13 public hearing in front of the county's planning and zoning board. That board voted 6-3 in favor of...

  • Village board approves groundwater cleanup

    LuAnn Schindler, Publisher|Oct 28, 2021

    Cleanup activities on two former leaking undeground-storage sites in Clearwater may begin once permits are approved by the State of Nebraska. Mike Reif, representing Terracon, a consulting firm working with the Nebraska Department of Energy and Environment petroleum remediation program, presented plans for the excavation to Clearwater Village Board members, Oct. 11. Board members approved the proposal to agree to cleanup, pending permits and access agreements. Reif said it's possible some...

  • Proceedings Antelope County Board of Commissioners

    Aug 19, 2021

    PROCEEDINGS ANTELOPE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Neligh, Nebraska Aug. 10, 2021 Notice of meeting published as required by statute. A complete record of these minutes as well as all resolutions and agreements are on file at the county clerk’s office and are open to the public. Chairman opened meeting. Approved agenda. Minutes of Aug. 3, 2021 BOC meeting were approved. Pledge collateral and correspondence were reviewed. July fee reports from CDC, treasurer, sheriff were reviewed. Heard report from grounds and maintenance. Review of claims. A...

  • Senators focused on tax relief during Nebraska's 2021 legislative session

    Hanna Christensen, Nebraska News Service|Jul 22, 2021

    Senators approved an increase in state spending on initiatives such as broadband, foster care reimbursement rates, pay for people who provide services under Medicaid and rail industrial parks during Nebraska’s 107th legislative session, which adjourned on May 27. Senators also focused on cutting taxes and designated a portion of the state’s FY 2021- 2022 $4.8 billion budget toward tax relief, according to the 2021 general fund budget summary. Sen. Dan Hughes of Venango said this session was different because there was more money to work wit...

  • Legislature prepares for final day of session

    Sen. Tim Gragert|May 27, 2021

    The speaker of the Legislature has announced that senators will complete their work a few days early, adjourning sine die on May 27 rather than June 10. This is partially due to the many late nights that were worked in order to complete our business and knowing we will be meeting again in a couple months. Every 10 years, the Legislature must complete the redistricting process to reflect population changes after the U.S. Census is complete. Due to the pandemic, states didn’t get the census d...

  • Supervisors table 30 x 30 resolution

    LuAnn Schindler, Publisher|May 20, 2021

    A potential resolution denouncing President Biden's Executive Order 14008, dubbed the 30 x 30 land grab, will have to wait, after Holt County Supervisors tabled the item during Monday's meeting in O'Neill. The executive order, titled "Tackling the Climate Crisis at Home and Abroad," directed the secretary of the interior, secretary of agriculture and other senior officials to devise and submit a plan, by April 27, to conserve 30% of lands and waterways in the United States by 2030. According to...

  • Property tax relief bills defeated

    Sen. Tim Gragert|May 13, 2021

    Two major pieces of legislation that would have provided property tax relief were defeated this past week. Generally, I am supportive of proposals that attempt to lower property taxes. LR 11, introduced by Bayard Senator Steve Erdman, is a constitutional amendment proposing to replace all taxation with a consumption tax on the purchase of services and new goods. Nebraska residents would no longer pay property taxes, income taxes, sales and use taxes, inheritance taxes, or estate taxes. LR 11...

  • Property tax relief, school funding bills heard at statehouse

    Sen. Tim Gragert|Apr 29, 2021

    The Legislature passed the budget bills this past week. Governor Ricketts has five days (not counting Sunday) to decide whether to sign the legislation. The governor has the authority to line-item veto specific items on budget bills, without vetoing the entire bill. Once the budget bills have been passed, other legislation that appropriates General Funds or results in the reduction of revenue to the General Fund, and all other tax expenditure bills, can be read on final reading. LB 2,...

  • Ricketts touts budget bill

    LuAnn Schindler, Publisher|Apr 29, 2021

    Gov. Pete Ricketts signed a two-year state budget promoting tax relief and controlling state spending, into law, Monday. Budget growth was limited to 1.7% and set at $9.7 billion for the two-year period ending June 30, 2023. The newly-signed budget leaves $206 million available, although that total could change after April 29, when revenue forecasts will be updated. Ricketts said, "The budget I have signed controls state spending and significantly increases direct property tax relief for the peo...

  • Statehouse budget debate begins

    Sen. Tom Briese|Apr 15, 2021

    Last week, we began debate on the budget, after receiving a briefing from the Appropriations Committee chairman, Senator Stinner. The budget for the next year calls for an increase in the general fund expenditures of roughly $9.7 billion, growing by around 1.7% per year from previous budgets. Key provisions of the budget include substantial increases to several funds. The most important of these increases are the two funds relating to property tax relief. The proposed budget increases the Proper...

  • State revenue growth estimated at 3 percent

    Sent. Tim Gragert|Apr 15, 2021

    The Appropriations Committee advanced their finalized recommendations for the Fiscal Year 2021-22 and 2022-23 biennial budget to the full Legislature. First-round debate took place this past week and all bills were advanced unanimously except LB383, dealing with capital construction. Under the $9.7 billion biennial budget proposal, the two-year average estimated revenue growth is 3.0%, whereas the two-year average growth in spending is just 1.6%. The committee was able to control the growth of spending due to a higher federal match for...

  • Weight limit in effect on Antelope County roads

    LuAnn Schindler, Publisher|Apr 1, 2021

    Signs noting a seven-ton weight limit were posted along Antelope County oil roads, following discussion by county commissioners at the board's March 9 meeting, in Neligh. Discussion on the potential dominated nearly one hour after county road superintendent Aaron Boggs referenced restrictions in neighboring counties. Knox and Holt counties have restrictions currently in place. According to Boggs, Holt County implements a speed limit restriction, with trucks allowed to go up to 40 miles per hour...

  • State forecasting board projects upward trend

    Sen. Tim Gragert|Mar 11, 2021

    The Nebraska Economic Forecasting Advisory Board met last week and revised the current forecast upwards. The board projected an increase of $204 million for fiscal year 2020-21, $165 million for fiscal year 2021-22 and $93 million for fiscal year 2022-23, for a total increase of $462 million. The three-year average growth rate increased from 2.9% to 3.4%. Under LB 1107, the property tax relief bill passed last year, property taxpayers are eligible for a refundable income tax credit based on the...

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