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(132) stories found containing 'property taxes'

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  • Pipeline, transmission line opposition heard by Holt County leaders

    Sandy Schroth, Editor|Oct 3, 2019

    Seats in the Holt County supervisor’s chamber at the courthouse in O’Neill were all occupied and additional chairs were taken in, when the leaders met Monday. Many audience members voiced concerns, during the 10 minutes set aside for public comment, regarding TransCanada’s route across the county, as well as a new transmission line that will also cross the county. Diane Steskal of Stuart presented a letter to the supervisors, signed by herself and her husband, Byron Steskal, regarding the proposed Keystone XL pipeline route. She read the letter...

  • Commissioner presents video clip to support recent motion

    Sandy Schroth, Editor|Sep 26, 2019

    Antelope County commissioners, after hearing comments from several constituents and county officials at a pair of public hearings Sept. 17, adopted the budget for the 2019-2020 fiscal year. The $19,155,429 budget includes asking for $6,114,213 from taxpayers next year through a county levy of .246195. In order to balance all components of the budget, the levy computed by County Clerk Lisa Payne is about one-fourth cent more than the 2.5-cent increase proposed by commissioners in early...

  • Holt County financial procedures critiqued by state auditors

    Sandy Schroth, Editor|Sep 19, 2019

    The Nebraska auditor of public accounts released results Holt County's annual audit last week. The report covers July 2018 to June 2019, and includes numerous areas of concern for internal control that were listed in a letter sent to the county board of supervisors Sept. 10. The report is a matter of public record and is posted on the APA's website. Deann Haeffner, APA assistant deputy auditor, noted in the letter that the report is "critical in nature" as it addresses areas noted for...

  • Attorney asked to resolve disagreement on amendment of meeting minutes

    Sandy Schroth, Editor|Sep 19, 2019

    Attendees at the Sept. 10 Antelope County Commissioners' meeting at Neligh's courthouse found new accommodations for hearing county business. A new sound system, including microphones in front of each commissioner, County Clerk Lisa Payne and at the witness table, had been installed. Commissioner Dean Smith acknowledged Invenergy officials for the donation. "I think it is much needed, I have always felt that it was. I appreciated you doing that for the county," he said. "I think it will be a...

  • Do road improvements, damage mitigation justify raising taxes?

    Sandy Schroth, Editor|Sep 12, 2019

    County leaders spent about an hour mulling six “options” for managing Antelope County’s finances in the coming year, when they met last week at the courthouse in Neligh. Lisa Payne, county clerk, presented the commissioners with six scenarios for the annual budget, ranging from what she called the “golden egg” with its seven-cent levy increase, to one that called for no change in the county’s slice of a taxpayer’s pie. She cautioned that the figures were “very preliminary,” intended to give the commissioners a picture to work from. The high en...

  • Dissention regarding recall election heard at Antelope County budget meeting

    Sandy Schroth, Editor|Aug 29, 2019

    The atmosphere in the supervisors’ room at the Antelope County courthouse in Neligh became a bit explosive for a while last Thursday morning. A special Aug. 22 meeting of the county commissioners had been set, exclusively, for budget discussion. However, an item for setting the date of a special recall election was added to the agenda by Lisa Payne, county clerk. As the meeting began, Tom Borer, commission chairman, asked for a motion to remove the item from the agenda. Dean Smith complied, offering the motion. “I think we should wait for the c...

  • Holt County to implement flag system to address watering of roadways

    Holt County Independent|Aug 1, 2019

    Each spring and summer, Holt County officials deal with landowners who fail to comply with state statutes addressing watering of roadways, mowing road ditches and trimming trees. During the Holt County Board of Supervisors meeting July 17, at the courthouse in O'Neill, the members voted unanimously to install a new flag warning system to address the continued nuisance of roadways being watered by irrigation systems or other machinery. According to state statute 46-266, no person is permitted to...