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(14) stories found containing 'mosquitoes'

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 14 of 14

  • West Nile detected again in Holt County

    Aug 28, 2024

    The North Central District Health Department reported another West Nile Virus pool has been detected in mosquitoes in Holt County near O'Neill. This makes the third positive pool this trapping season. Residents should take precautions to protect themselves from mosquitoes. • Limit time spent outdoors at dusk and down when mosquitoes are most active. • Wear long-sleeve shirts and pants if outdoors at dusk or dawn. • Apply EPA-approved mosquito repellant (DEET, picaridin, oil of lemon, eucal...

  • Mosquito numbers in Nebraska jumped this summer, likely going to get worse in the future

    NANCY GAARDER, Flatwater Free Press|Aug 21, 2024

    Bob Decker thought he'd get an early start on golf one morning this summer when he headed to Omaha's Steve Hogan Golf Course. Instead, he ended up providing swarms of mosquitoes their breakfast, lunch and dinner during his round at the nine-hole course. "I was slapping mosquitoes off my legs the whole time," he said. "Thus the reason for my poor score ..." Decker wasn't imagining things. Compared to last year, mosquito numbers have jumped significantly across Nebraska, nearly doubling in...

  • West Nile mosquito pool found in Holt County

    Jul 17, 2024

    On July 10, North Central District Health Department reported that West Nile Virus had been detected in mosquitoes in Holt County near O'Neill. Residents should take precautions to protect themselves, including: • Limit time spent outdoors ant dusk and dawn when mosquitoes are most active. • Wear long-sleeve shirts and pants if outdoors at dusk or dawn. • Apply EPA-approved mosquito repellant, including DEET, picaridin, oil of lemon, eucalyptus or IR3535. • Get rid of standing water that mo...

  • Out my kitchen window

    Bev Wieler|Jul 17, 2024

    When it's hotter than blazes and mosquitoes are a biting, do you question just why you are gardening? I do. Then the next day, the morning is cool, a breeze comes up and as I look at my flowers out my kitchen window or prepare a pitcher of cucumber water, it's all worth the sweating and bites. Well, the bites are questionable. Looking at the flowers out the window and mornings on the patio are my favorite. The morning light just seems to make the flowers show off. We all enjoy our flowers and ve...

  • Additional mosquito pool tests positive for West Nile Virus

    Submitted Article|Sep 28, 2023

    A total of five mosquito pools have now tested positive for West Nile Virus in Holt County, near O’Neill. West Nile Virus is still circulating in the environment. Residents not only in Holt County, but across Nebraska, should continue to take precautions to protect themselves until the first hard freeze, according to representatives from the North Central District Health Department. Limit time spent outdoors at dusk and dawn when mosquitoes are most active. Wear long-sleeved shirts and pants if outdoors at dusk or dawn. Apply an EPA-approved m...

  • Holt County mosquito pools test positive for West Nile Virus

    Sep 14, 2023

    A total of four mosquito pools have now tested positive for West Nile Virus in Holt County, near O'Neill. West Nile Virus is still circulating in the environment. Residents, not only in Holt County, but across Nebraska, should continue to take precautions to protect themselves until the first hard freeze, according to Elizabeth Parks, disease surveillance coordinator at North Central District Health Department. Precautions include: • Limit time spent outdoors at dusk and down when mosquitoes a...

  • Tick Testers: UNK researchers study tiny pest that can cause big problems

    May 25, 2023

    As the weather warms, more Nebraskans head outdoors to enjoy activities such as fishing, hiking and camping. But they're not alone. There's another creature that's most active during spring and summer months. Nebraska is home to a growing number of tick species. When these arachnids cross paths with humans, consequences can be dire. "Tickborne disease is on the rise in the United States. We have more tick-borne vectored disease than mosquito-borne vectored disease. We tend to think about mosquit...

  • Protecting your skin from pests

    Kelly Evans-Hullinger M.D.|Apr 27, 2023

    Spring is finally here in the Northern Plains and summer feels just around the corner. As all we Northerners know, as soon as the temperatures hit even a mild degree on the thermometer, most of us shed the jackets and long pants and our skin is front-and-center. The sunny season is prime season for mosquitoes and ticks, along with the itchy bites and all the unpleasant infections they can carry. Different species of mosquitoes and ticks can transmit different bacteria and viruses and, around...


    Apr 20, 2023

    REGULAR PROCEEDINGS Village of Clearwater BOARD OF TRUSTEES April 10, 2023 The Board of Trustees of the Village of Clearwater met for a regular meeting Monday, Apr. 10, at 8 p.m., in the fire hall meeting room. Meeting opened at 8 p.m. Notice of meeting was given in advance by publication in “Summerland Advocate-Messenger,” posted at US Post Office in Clearwater, Clearwater Market, and Cornerstone Bank-Clearwater and was given to board members prior to meeting. Public was informed of location of Open Meeting Act poster. Present: Kelly Ker...

  • West Nile detected in area

    Sep 15, 2022

    The North Central District Health Department reported the West Nile Virus has been detected in mosquitoes in Holt County near O’Neill. Residents should take precautions to protect themselves from mosquitoes by limiting time spent outdoors when mosquitoes are most active. Wear long sleeve shirts and pants, if outdoors at these times. Apply an EPA-approved mosquito repellant. Standing water should be removed, since mosquitoes may breed in it. More information is available at nc...

  • West Nile: The key is prevention

    Aug 4, 2022

    ANDREW ELLSWORTH, M.D. One late summer day, fresh out of residency and seeing patients for the first time as a full-fledged family physician, I examined a young man who had a fever, fatigue and a bad headache. Considering the time of year, influenza was low on the list of possibilities, and COVID-19 did not yet exist. After a physical exam and listening to his story, I ordered some tests, which resulted in a diagnosis of West Nile virus. Now that we are entering the later half of the summer, the weather and environment are prime for West Nile...

  • Second West Nile death reported in the state

    Sep 16, 2021

    Two West Nile Virus deaths for the 2021 season have been confirmed this week in the Three Rivers District Health Department that includes Dodge, Saunders and Washington counties. Both individuals were older adults with underlying health conditions. Three Rivers Public Health Department announced the first confirmed death of WNV within the health district on Monday, Sept. 13, 2021. The second death was confirmed in 3RPHD today. WNV is the most prevalent mosquito-borne disease in the U.S., with...

  • Horse tests positive for West Nile Virus in Cherry County

    Aug 26, 2021

    The North Central District Health Department reported a horse in Cherry County has tested positive for West Nile Virus. Additional details on the symptoms or status of the horse are not currently available. Typically, horses with West Nile Virus display symptoms of depression, lack of appetite, change in behavior and mood, fever, muscle spasms and incoordination. Horse owners should talk to a veterinarian about vaccinating horses annually for West Nile Virus. This virus starts in birds that serve as the host. Mosquitoes feed on infected birds...

  • Proceedings Village of Clearwater Board of Trustees

    Feb 18, 2021

    PROCEEDINGS Village of Clearwate rBoard of Trustees Feb. 8, 2021 The Board of Trustees of the Village of Clearwater met in regular session Monday, Feb. 8, at 7 p.m., in the fire hall meeting room. Meeting opened at 7:01 p.m. Notice of meeting was given in advance by publication in Summerland Advocate-Messenger and notice was given to council persons prior to meeting. Public was informed of location of Open Meeting Act poster. Present: Kevin Filsinger, Steve Stearns, Kelly Kerkman, Mike Klabenes, Steve Hankla. Others present: Lauren...