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Sorted by date Results 101 - 125 of 200
APPROVED BILLS VILLAGE OF CLEARWATER General Checking: CTR Truck & Trailer, sup, 6,495.00; Farmers Pride, fuel, 299.98; Bomgaars, sup, 51.96; Heartland Fire Protection, srv, 173.75; WEX Bank, fuel, 337.48; Neligh Auto & Machine, sup, 31.44; ERPPD, util, 1,189.68; Clearwater Market, sup, 46.00; NNTC, util, 162.44; ColdType Publishing, adv, 138.37; Black Hills Energy, util, 553.59; Antelope Co. Treasurer, reg, 14.00; Jarecki Sharp & Petersen, lgl, 396.37; Antelope Co. Sheriff, srv, 1,202.25; Economic Savings, tnfr, 2,855.00; General Savings,...
Michael Hansen, 36, of Stanton appeared in front of the Honorable Donna Taylor in the Antelope County courtroom in Neligh on Feb. 16, for pretrial hearing on a charge of obstructing government operations, a Class 1 misdemeanor. In an unusual interpretation of the charge, Antelope County attorney Joe Smith amended the charge to second-degree trespassing, a Class 3 misdemeanor, and recommended a fine only at sentencing, in return for Hansen’s guilty plea. The charge had a potential penalty of up to a $500 fine and/or 90 days in jail. Taylor f...
PROCEEDINGS ANTELOPE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Neligh, Nebraska Feb. 14, 2023 Chairman opened the meeting. Notice of meeting published as required by statute. Approved agenda. Approved payroll. Approved vendor claims. General: AMERICAN SCREENING ex 255.00; AMERITAS LIFE INS CORP ex 18,885.34; ANTELOPE CO COURT ex 17.00; APPEARA ex 35.77; APPLIED CONNECTIVE TECH ex 3,928.70; BLACK HILLS ENERGY ut 4,407.66; BCBS ins 61,241.44; BOMGAARS ex 305.15; BORDERS INN/SUITES ex 288.00; CARNEY LAW ex 36,000.20; CASEYS ex 129.20; CITY OF NELIGH ut...
APPROVED BILLS SUMMERLAND SCHOOL Amazon Capital Services, Inc., sup, 270.65; Antelope County Clerk, election ballot fees, 1,691.07; Black Hills Energy, nat gas, 573.58; Bomgaars, sup, 59.44; Capital One Bk(USA), NA, sup/meals, 274.29; Clearwater Market, sup, 119.02; ColdType Publishig, printing, 115.20; Culligan of Norfolk, serv, 85.00; DAS State Acctg-Central Finance OCIO, internet line carges, 411.70; Dusty’s, fuel, 691.37; Eakes, sup, 195.98; Egan Supply Co., sup, 2,778.67; Electronic Contracting Company, annual alarm central monitoring, 3...
VILLAGE OF CLEARWATER APPROVED CLAIMS General Checking: Northeast Neb. Clerks’ Association, dues, 20.00; Quality Iron & Metal, sup, 4,592.50; City of Neligh, srv, 3,490.69; Bomgaars, sup, 55.36; Eakes Office Solutions, sup, 57.90; Antelope Co., srv, 100.00; CNA Surety, ins, 360.00; Bearinger Tax & Accounting, tx, 70.00; WEX Bank, fuel, 1,192.24; Main St. Repair, srv, 895.68; ERPPD, util, 1,197.42; NNTC, util, 159.79; Clearwater Market, sup, 23.57; ColdType Publishing, adv, 126.24; Farmers Pride, fuel, 272.60; Neligh Auto & Machine, sup, 1...
The third juvenile involved in the Aug. 28, 2022, theft of an all-terrain vehicle from Big Red Motorsports in Neligh, was adjudicated by the Honorable Donna Taylor in the Antelope County courtroom in Neligh last week. The female juvenile was ordered to serve a nine-month term of probation and pay $49 costs of prosecution. She was driving the ATV, lost control and hit a mailbox, resulting in one of the other youths being pinned under the ATV with non-life-threatening injuries. Another female juvenile was adjudicated Aug. 31, 2022, placed on 18 m...
Foodies searching for the ultimate comfort food will find plenty of options available from Woodshed Vittles. Located on a ranch near Chambers, owner Deeann Carson Wood bakes, cans and cooks a variety of foodstuffs available at area establishments, including the Sidebar in Clearwater, Farmers Store in Page, Valley Food Coop in Lynch and Village Market in Chambers. Boutique 129, in O'Neill, sells her company's jellies and jams. Wood's interest in cooking began with family members. "I've always...
APPROVED BILLS SUMMERLAND PUBLIC SCHOOL Amazon, sup, 396.47; Antelope County Clerk, postage for LB644 postcards, 437.62; Antelope Memorial Hospital, bus driver physical, 185.00; Black Hills Energy, nat gas, 185.00; Blain Pumping & Plumbing, sup, 960.00; Bomgaars, sup, 102.40; Capital One Bk(USA), NA, fuel/sup, 131.84; Clearwater Market, sup, 6.78; ColdType Publishing, print, 126.72; Corner Hardware & More, sup, 3,579.68; Daktronics, tech services, 1,113.75; DAS State Acctg-Central Finance OCIO, internet line, 411.70; Dusty’s, fuel, 252.42; E...
NOTICE OF RENEWAL RETAIL LIQUOR LICENSE CLASS D OFF SALE Notice is hereby given that, pursuant to Section 53-135.01, liquor license of this act may be automatically renewed for one year from May 1, 2023, for the following liquor licensee, to wit: Clearwater Market 401 Hwy. 275 Lots 1-2, Block 16 in the Village of Clearwater, Nebraska Notice is hereby given that written protests to the issuance of automatic renewal of license may be filed by any resident of the Village of Clearwater on or before Feb. 10, 2023, in the office of the Village...
VILLAGE OF CLEARWATER APPROVED CLAIMS General Checking: Schlecht Trucking, srv, 834.90; B’s Enterprises, sup, 384.00; Quality Iron & Metal, sup, 383.05; Bomgaars, sup, 284.42; Ewing Feed & Supply, sup, 243.97; WEX Bank, fuel, 567.48; ERPPD, util, 1,178.75; NNTC, util, 157.76; Clearwater Market, sup, 28.36; ColdType Publishing, rent/adv, 784.80; Black Hills Energy, util, 742.10; DW’s Heating & Air, srv, 200.00; Farmers Pride, util, 259.25; Neligh Auto & Machine, sup, 260.82; Summerland Public School, fee, 10.00; Neb. Municipal Clerks’ Institute,...
APPROVED BILLS SUMMERLAND PUBLIC SCHOOL Amazon Capital Services, Inc., sup, 804.08; AMGL, PC, audit fees, 16,500.00; Antelope Memorial Hospital, bus driver physical, 185.00; Black Hills Energy, nat gas, 310.26; Blackburn Mfg. Co., sup, 738.00; Bomgaars, sup, 43.94; BrainPOP LLC, sub renew, 3,515.00; Bud’s Sanitary Services, LLC, Nov/Dec trash pickup, 1,462.50; Capital One Bk(USA), NA, sup/hotel rooms/meals/fuel, 4,051.29; Clearwater Market, sup, 91.04; Climate Systems, Inc., labor to fix email issue with alarms, 540.00; ColdType Publishing, p...
PROCEEDINGS ANTELOPE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Neligh, Nebraska Dec. 13, 2022 Chairman opened meeting. Notice of meeting published as required by statute. Open meeting. Met in executive session regarding legal issues. Approved agenda and minutes of 11-07-2022 BOC meeting. Correspondence was reviewed. Approve payroll claims. Pledge collateral was reviewed. Approved the following vendor claims: General: MELVIN AHLERS ret 24.00; AMERITAS LIFE INSURANCE CORP ins 17,558.78; ANTELOPE CO COURT ex 157.00; ANTELOPE CO NEWS ex 30.56; APPEARA ex...
VILLAGE OF CLEARWATER APPROVED CLAIMS General Checking: CNA Surety, srv, 200.00; Thriftway Market, sup, 251.92; Bomgaars, sup, 21.97; WEX Bank, fuel, 474.58; American Legion Emblem Sales, sup, 199.45; Neligh Auto & Machine, sup, 198.86; Uline Shipping Supplies, sup, 117.29; Lichtenberg Tire Pros, srv, 22.00; Kayton International, sup, 169.50; Cornerstone Bank, srv, 25.00; Amazon, sup, 364.25; ERPPD, util, 1,191.16; Clearwater Market, sup, 89.31; NNTC, util, 162.99; ColdType Publishing, adv, 282.90; Black Hills Energy, util, 443.96; Jarecki, Sha...
VILLAGE OF CLEARWATER APPROVED CLAIMS General Checking: City of Neligh, srv, 3,490.69; Bomgaars, sup, 618.05; Bearinger Tax & Accounting, srv, 70.00; EMC Insurance, ins, 3,628.75; WEX Bank, fuel, 500.68; Big Iron Auction, equip, 4,200.00; Rueter’s, sup, 211.01; NNTC, util, 166.54; ColdType Publishing, adv, 210.72; ERPPD, util, 1,220.14; Black Hills Energy, util, 194.67; Rueter’s, equip, 35,700.00; Summerland Public School, fees, $900.00; Capital One Spark, sup, 45.94; Neb. Dept. of Revenue, tx, 1,556.56; Jarecki Sharp & Petersen, lgl, 300...
APPROVED BILLS SUMMERLAND PUBLIC SCHOOL Amazon Capital Services, Inc., lib books/sup; 521.22; American Speech-Language Hearing Association, dues, 253.00; Appleby, Greg A., mileage, 850.00; Black Hills Energy, nat gas, 260.65; Bomgaars, sup, 55.09; Capital One Bk(USA), NA, sup/wkshps/fees/etc., 4,842.06; Clearwater Market, sup, 194.88; ColdType Publishing, printing, 449.80; Daktronics, rep to buzzer horn in main gym, 776.25; DAS State Acctg-Central Finance OCIO, internet charges, 300.94; Eakes Office Solutions, copier exp, 195.98; Egan Supply...
PROCEEDINGS ANTELOPE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Nov. 7, 2022 Neligh, Nebraska Chairman opened meeting. Notice of meeting published as required by statute. Open meeting. Approved agenda and minutes of 11-01-2022 BOC meeting. Correspondence was reviewed. Sheriff fee report, clerk of the district court Report, treasurer fund balance report and treasurer miscellaneous revenue report for September were reviewed. Approve payroll claims. Pledge collateral was reviewed. Approved the following vendor claims: General: JOSEPH ABLER ex 42.28; AMERITAS...
Christmas is coming and Clearwater Public Library is making plans to provide its annual craft table for kids during the Old-Fashioned Christmas, planned for Dec. 4. Additionally, two fundraisers are being offered for the library and help is requestion. A gold ole' cake walk will take place. Consider donating a cake or other baked goods. Call or text Library Director Kathy Feusse or sign up at Clearwater Market. Bring baked goods to the old-fashioned Christmas or make arrangements to have items p...
APPROVED BILLS SUMMERLAND PUBLIC SCHOOL Amazon Capital Services, Inc., sup, 533.74; Black Hills Energy, nat gas, 184.97; Bomgaars sup, 78.88; Bud’s Sanitary Service, trash serv, 1,464.50; Capital One Bk(USA), NA, sup/rooms/meals/etc, 2,250.42; Central Community College, backflow certification class, 85.00 Clearwater Market, sup, 52.63; ColdType Publishing, print, 335.08; DAS State Acctg-Central Finance OCIO, internet line, 411.70; Dusty’s, fuel, 492.02; Eakes Office Solutions copier exp, 2,596.76; Egan Supply Co., sup, 1,025.70; Elkhorn Rur...
Something for everyone. That's how organizer Courtney Soper, of Page, describes offerings at Saturday's Harvest Merchant Market, planned in Clearwater, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. The event will feature approximately 20 vendors from across northeast Nebraska. Booths will be set up in The Office, at 522 Main Street, and the Clearwater American Legion, located at 507 Main Street. In addition to the Sidebar, artists/crafters attending the show include Burlap & Bows, Patriots Landing, Maple Leaf...
VILLAGE OF CLEARWATER APPROVED CLAIMS General Checking: Grimes Asphalt, srv, 101,400.00; Automated Dairy, reimb, 1,777.00; Gerhold Concrete Co., sup, 1,978.54; Bomgaars, sup, 133.90; Reinke’s Farm & City Service, sup, 303.18; US Post Office, sup, 56.40; EMC Insurance, ins, 3,433.41; WEX Bank, fuel, 911.99; Eakes Office Solutions, sup, 132.77; NNTC, util, 159.41; Farmers Pride, fuel, 423.87; Neligh Auto & Machine, sup, 114.86; ColdType Publishing, adv, 309.81; Lichtenberg Tire Pros, sup, 795.60; Applied Connective Tech, srv, 72.50; ERPPD, u...
• PROCEEDINGS ANTELOPE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Neligh, Nebraska Oct. 11, 2022 Chairman opened meeting. Notice of meeting published as required by statute. Open meeting. Approved agenda and minutes of 10-04-2022 BOC meeting. Correspondence was reviewed. Sheriff fee report, clerk of the district court report, treasurer fund balance report and treasurer miscellaneous revenue report for September were reviewed. Approve payroll claims. Pledge collateral was reviewed. Approved the following vendor claims: General: AMERITAS LIFE INS CORP ins 1...
VILLAGE OF CLEARWATER APPROVED CLAIMS General Checking: Orval’s Auto Service, rpr, 3,556.95; Rob Hoefer, srv, 10,952.00; Black Hills Energy, 161.60; AKRS Equipment, sup, 29.91; Bomgaars, sup, 40.78; Fry Brothers Fertilizer, 74.18; League of Nebraska Municipalities, dues, 568.00; Carhart Lumber Co., sup, 127.88; EMC Insurance, ins, 3,433.43; Nebraska Municipal Clerks’ Association, dues, 50.00; Verizon Wireless, util, 76.17; Pollock Redi Mix, sup, 2,790.00; WEX Bank, fuel, 978.39; ERPPD, util, 1,357.04; NNTC, util, 162.59; ColdType Pub...
PROCEEDINGS ANTELOPE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Neligh, Nebraska Sept. 13, 2022 Vice-chairman opened meeting. Notice of meeting published as required by statute. Open meeting. Approved agenda and minutes of 08-09-2022, 08-24-2022, 09-01-2022 and 09-06-2022 BOC meetings, and 08-09-2022 BOE meeting. Correspondence was reviewed. Sheriff Fee Report for August. Correspondence was reviewed. Approve payroll claims. Pledge Collateral was reviewed. Approved the following vendor claims: General: AMERITAS LIFE INS CORP ins 17,309.54; ANTELOPE CO COURT...
APPROVED BILLS SUMMERLAND SCHOOL Summerland - Operating Acc’t, misc reimb, 1,915.88; 5 Minute Kids, sup, 111.00; Amazon Capital Services, Inc., sup, 366.05; Anson, Kelly, reimb-dance, 500.00; Antelope Memorial Hospital, bus driver physical, 312.00; Austin T. Good, Aug. 2022 mowing, 280.00; Auto Glass Solutions, windshield, 1,307.20; Black Hills Energy - Ewing, nat gas, 198.35; Bud’s Sanitary Service, trash, 1,300.00; Capital One Bk(USA), NA, sup, 4,833.36; Clearwater Market, sup, 58.57; Coldtype Publishing, print, 151.78; Corner Hardware & Mor...