Reliable, Trustworthy Reporting, Capturing The Heartbeat Of Our Community
Sorted by date Results 51 - 75 of 133
Chairman opened the meeting. Notice of meeting published as required by statute. Approved agenda. Approved minutes of the Aug. 1, 2023, BOC meeting. Correspondence was reviewed. All reports were reviewed: clerk’s pledge collateral; sheriff’s fee report for July; July reports for clerk of the district court, treasurer fund balance, treasurer’s miscellaneous revenue and zoning permit report. Treasurer sweep account report. Review of claims. Approved payroll. Approved vendor claims. General: AMERITAS LIFE INS CORP ins 18,514.63; ANTELOPE CO COURT...
PROCEEDINGS ANTELOPE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS July 11, 2023 Neligh, Nebraska Chairman opened the meeting. Notice of meeting published as required by statute. Approved agenda. Approved minutes of the July 3, 2023, BOC meeting. Correspondence was reviewed. Sheriff’s fee report for June was presented, pledge collateral reports. June reports for clerk of the district court, treasurer fund balance, treasurer’s miscellaneous revenue and zoning permit report. Review of Claims. Approved payroll. Approved vendor claims. General: ALBIN LAW OFF...
VILLAGE OF CLEARWATER APPROVED CLAIMS General Checking: Intuit QuickBooks, srv, 587.43; Loffler, srv, 717.21; US Post Office, sup, 278.96; Cornhusker Press, sup, 73.65; Bomgaars, sup, 997.49; Precision IT, srv, 307.50; Reinke’s Farm & City Service, sup, 119.19; American Legion Emblem Sales, sup, 209.45; WEX Bank, fuel, 702.45; AKRS Equipment, sup, 159.73; NNTC, util, 214.62; Main St. Repair, srv, 399.00; Clearwater Market, sup, 53.75; Carquest of Neligh, sup, 8.83; Neligh Auto & Machine, sup, 355.85; Orval’s Auto Service, sup, 21.00; ERP...
PROCEEDINGS ANTELOPE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Neligh, Nebraska June 27, 2023 Chairman opened the meeting. Notice of meeting published as required by statute. Approved agenda. Approved minutes of the June 13, 2023, BOC Meeting. Review of Claims. Approved vendor claims. General: APPEARA ex 34.70; APPLIED CONN TECH ut 3,862.73; AXON ENTERPRISE ex 4,210.61; BLACK HILLS ENERGY ut 372.08; BOMGAARS ex 177.92; DEBORAH BRANSTITER ex 439.08; CASH-WA DISTRIBUTING ex 11,065.90; CHARM-TEX ex 3,359.90; CORNHUSKER STATE INDUSTRIES ex 1,300.00; DAS STATE...
VILLAGE OF CLEARWATER APPROVED CLAIMS General Checking: Miller & Associates, srv, 375.00; Bomgaars, sup, 275.82; Carhart Lumber, sup, 205.94; WEX Bank, fuel, 561.37; Pollock Redi Mix, sup, 212.00; Main St. Repair, srv, 20.00; Neligh Auto & Machine, sup, 100.67; AKRS Equipment, sup, 137.28; NNTC, util, 168.39; Precision IT, srv, 666.00; Clearwater Market, sup, 4.89; ERPPD, util, 1,356.52; ColdType Publishing, adv, 209.42; Black Hills Energy, util, 102.14; J&J Sanitation, srv, 1,795.55; Knife River Midwest, sup, 3,505.65; Fry Brothers Chemical, s...
APPROVED BILLS SUMMERLAND SCHOOL Amazon Capital Services, Inc., sup/prime membership, 8,844.97; Antelope Memorial Hospital, bus driver physicals, 555.00; Black Hills Energy, nat gas, 241.83; Bllick Art Materials, sup, 2,105.37; Bomgaars, sup, 17.25; Boyd’s Electrical Service, Inc., work on fire tank, 377.67; BSN Sports, LLC, sup, 712.64; bud’s Sanitary services, trash pickup - May/June, 1,498.00; Capital One, sup/hotel rooms, 7.753.65; Clearwater Market, sup, 42.08; ColdType Publishing, print/sup, 383.92; College Board, sup, 4,197.67; Coo...
PROCEEDINGS ANTELOPE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Neligh, Nebraska June 13, 2023 Chairman opened the meeting. Notice of meeting published as required by statute. Approved agenda. Approved minutes of the June 6, 2023, BOC meeting. Review of claims. Approved payroll. Approved vendor claims. General: AKRS ex 46.76; ALBIN LAW OFFICE ex 475.00; AMERITAS LIFE INS CORP ins 18,478.25; ANTELOPE CO COURT ex 89.00; APPEARA ex 36.05; APPLIED CONN TECH ex 20,530.14; MIKAYLA ARMITAGE ex 143.00; BLACK HILLS ENERGY ut 651.56; BLACKBURN MFG ex 85.08; BCBS ins...
APPROVED CLAIMS SUMMERLAND PUBLIC SCHOOL May 2023 Amazon Capital Services, Inc., sup, 3,706.19; Barnhill Piano Service, piano tuned, 125.00; Black Hills Energy, nat gas, 436.68; Bomgaars, sup, 89.13; BrainPOP, LLC, sub renew, 3,800.00; Butch’s Body Shop, rep, 70.00; Capital One Bk(USA), NA, sup/hotel rooms, 3,948.15; CEV, license renew, 850.00; Clearwater Market, sup, 120.89; ColdType Publishing, print, 140.64; Comfort Inn Grand Island, Skills state conf, 1,600.00; DAS State Acctg, internet line chrgs, 411.70; Dusty’s fuel, 907.25; Eakes Off...
VILLAGE OF CLEARWATER APPROVED CLAIMS General Checking: AKRS Equipment, sup, 82.62; NENEDD, dues, 665.00; City of Neligh, srv, 3,503.99; Bomgaars, sup, 237.90; Eakes Office Solutions, sup, 109.25; Bearinger Tax & Accounting, srv, 70.00; WEX Bank, fuel, 148.22; Intuit QuickBooks, sup, 549.00; Pollock Redi Mix, sup, 137.38; Main St. Repair, srv, 35.00; ERPPD, util, 1,210.24; NNTC, util, 168.60; ColdType Publishing, adv, 415.79; Black Hills Energy, util, 222.49; Kayton International, sup, 28.88; Sanne Service, sup, 293.72; Jarecki Sharp &...
PROCEEDINGS ANTELOPE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Neligh, Nebraska May 9, 2023 Chairman opened the meeting. Notice of meeting published as required by statute. Approved agenda. Discussed various building and maintenance issues. Approved payroll. Approved vendor claims. General: AMERITAS LIFE INS CORP ins 17,266.35; ANTELOPE CO COURT ex 85.00; ANTELOPE CO SHERIFF ex 174.17; APPEARA ex 34.70; APPLIED CONN TECH ex 5,028.70; BEAR GRAPHICS ex 982.76; BLACK HILLS ENERGY ut 1,728.05; BCBS ins 61,691.80; BOMGAARS ex 92.97; CARHART LUMBER ex 136.46;...
Amazon Capital Services, Inc., sup, 518.93; Avera St. Anthony's Hospital, occ therapy, 197.55; Black Hills Energy, nat gas, 583.25; Bomgaars, sup, 7.49; Bud's Sanitary Service, LLC, trash, 1,488.50; ByteSpeed, LLC, sup, 129.00; Capital One Bk(USA), NA, sup/gas/rooms/meals, 991.41; Carhart Lumber - Neligh, sup, 152.00; Central Nebraska Rehabilitation Services, occ therapy, 91.25; Chartwells Dining Services, meals, 322.50; ColdType Publishing, printing, 120.48; DAS State Acctg-Central Finance OCIO, internet line charges, 411.70; Dusty's, fuel,...
VILLAGE OF CLEARWATER APPROVED CLAIMS General Checking: Tip Top Lawn Care, srv, 2,250.00; Bomgaars, sup, 14.81; Holiday Inn Kearney, srv, 574.75; CORE Development, dues, 320.00; CNA Surety, bond, 180.00; WEX Bank, fuel, 275.87; Farmers Pride, fuel, 481.47; ERPPD, util, 1,198.70; NNTC, util, 158.87; ColdType Publishing, adv/rent, 839.69; Black Hills Energy, util, 515.92; Summerland Public School, fees, 400.00; Clearwater Public Library, tnfr, 2,250.00; Jarecki Sharp & Petersen, lgl, 300.00; Antelope Co. Sheriff, srv, 1,202.25; Economic Savings,...
PROCEEDINGS ANTELOPE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Neligh, Nebraska April 11, 2023 Chairman opened the meeting. Notice of meeting published as required by statute. Approved agenda. Approved payroll. Approved vendor claims. General: AKRS ex 2,350.00; AMERITAS LIFE INS CORP ins 19,044.11; ANTELOPE CO COURT ex 305.79; ANTELOPE CO TREAS ex 34.00; APPEARA ex 34.97; APPLIED CONNECTIVE TECH ex 6,421.63; MIKAYLA ARMITAGE ex 71.50; BLACK HILLS ENERGY ut 2,343.39; BCBS ins 64,154.75; BLUE360 MEDIA ex 90.75; BOB BARKER CO ex 89.98; BOMGAARS ex 422.86;...
PROCEEDINGS VILLAGE OF PAGE April 10, 2023 The regular monthly meeting of the Village Board of Page was held Monday, April 10, 2023, at the village office. This meeting was in compliance with the Nebraska Open Meetings Act and the Open Meeting Laws are posted at the village office. Vice chair Tyrrell called the meeting to order at 7 p.m. Trustees VanEvery, Bartak and Leichleiter present. Also present: Cora Calkins. Absent: Linquist. Motion by Leichleiter, second by Bartak, to approve minutes of the March 13, 2023, regular meeting as presented....
PROCEEDINGS ANTELOPE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Neligh, Nebraska March 14, 2023 Chairman opened the meeting. Notice of meeting published as required by statute. Approved agenda. Approved payroll. Approved vendor claims. General: AMERITAS LIFE INS CORP ins 17,547.81; ANTELOPE CO COURT ex 384.00; APPEARA ex 34.70; APPLIED CONNECTIVE TECH ex 7,795.69; BLACK HILLS ENERGY ut 2,678.24; BCBS ins 64,742.94; OLTJENBRUNS INC ex 4,610.43; BOMGAARS ex 35.96; BUTCH'S BODY SHOP ex 259.00; CARHART LUMBER ex 45.99; CARNEY LAW ex 6,123.00; CITY OF NELIGH ut...
PROCEEDINGS VILLAGE OF PAGE March 13, 2023 The regular monthly meeting of the Village Board of Page was held Monday, March 13, 2023, at the Village office. This meeting was in compliance with the Nebraska Open Meetings Act and the Open Meeting Laws are posted at the Village office. Chair Linquist called the meeting to order at 7:03 p.m. Trustees VanEvery, Bartak and Tyrrell present. Also present: Cora Calkins and Diane Fox. Absent: Leichleiter. Motion by Bartak, seconded by Tyrrell, to approve minutes of the Feb. 13, 2023, regular meeting as...
APPROVED BILLS VILLAGE OF CLEARWATER General Checking: CTR Truck & Trailer, sup, 6,495.00; Farmers Pride, fuel, 299.98; Bomgaars, sup, 51.96; Heartland Fire Protection, srv, 173.75; WEX Bank, fuel, 337.48; Neligh Auto & Machine, sup, 31.44; ERPPD, util, 1,189.68; Clearwater Market, sup, 46.00; NNTC, util, 162.44; ColdType Publishing, adv, 138.37; Black Hills Energy, util, 553.59; Antelope Co. Treasurer, reg, 14.00; Jarecki Sharp & Petersen, lgl, 396.37; Antelope Co. Sheriff, srv, 1,202.25; Economic Savings, tnfr, 2,855.00; General Savings,...
PROCEEDINGS VILLAGE OF PAGE BOARD OF TRUSTEES Feb. 13, 2023 The regular monthly meeting of the Village Board of Page was held Monday, Feb. 13, 2023, at the village office. This meeting was in compliance with the Nebraska Open Meetings Act and the Open Meeting Laws are posted at the village office. Chair Linquist called the meeting to order at 7 p.m. Trustees VanEvery and Tyrrell present. Also present: Cora Calkins. Absent: Leichleiter and Bartak. Motion by Tyrrell, second by VanEvery to approve minutes of the Jan. 9, 2023, regular meeting as...
PROCEEDINGS ANTELOPE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Neligh, Nebraska Feb. 14, 2023 Chairman opened the meeting. Notice of meeting published as required by statute. Approved agenda. Approved payroll. Approved vendor claims. General: AMERICAN SCREENING ex 255.00; AMERITAS LIFE INS CORP ex 18,885.34; ANTELOPE CO COURT ex 17.00; APPEARA ex 35.77; APPLIED CONNECTIVE TECH ex 3,928.70; BLACK HILLS ENERGY ut 4,407.66; BCBS ins 61,241.44; BOMGAARS ex 305.15; BORDERS INN/SUITES ex 288.00; CARNEY LAW ex 36,000.20; CASEYS ex 129.20; CITY OF NELIGH ut...
APPROVED BILLS SUMMERLAND SCHOOL Amazon Capital Services, Inc., sup, 270.65; Antelope County Clerk, election ballot fees, 1,691.07; Black Hills Energy, nat gas, 573.58; Bomgaars, sup, 59.44; Capital One Bk(USA), NA, sup/meals, 274.29; Clearwater Market, sup, 119.02; ColdType Publishig, printing, 115.20; Culligan of Norfolk, serv, 85.00; DAS State Acctg-Central Finance OCIO, internet line carges, 411.70; Dusty’s, fuel, 691.37; Eakes, sup, 195.98; Egan Supply Co., sup, 2,778.67; Electronic Contracting Company, annual alarm central monitoring, 3...
VILLAGE OF CLEARWATER APPROVED CLAIMS General Checking: Northeast Neb. Clerks’ Association, dues, 20.00; Quality Iron & Metal, sup, 4,592.50; City of Neligh, srv, 3,490.69; Bomgaars, sup, 55.36; Eakes Office Solutions, sup, 57.90; Antelope Co., srv, 100.00; CNA Surety, ins, 360.00; Bearinger Tax & Accounting, tx, 70.00; WEX Bank, fuel, 1,192.24; Main St. Repair, srv, 895.68; ERPPD, util, 1,197.42; NNTC, util, 159.79; Clearwater Market, sup, 23.57; ColdType Publishing, adv, 126.24; Farmers Pride, fuel, 272.60; Neligh Auto & Machine, sup, 1...
APPROVED BILLS SUMMERLAND PUBLIC SCHOOL Amazon, sup, 396.47; Antelope County Clerk, postage for LB644 postcards, 437.62; Antelope Memorial Hospital, bus driver physical, 185.00; Black Hills Energy, nat gas, 185.00; Blain Pumping & Plumbing, sup, 960.00; Bomgaars, sup, 102.40; Capital One Bk(USA), NA, fuel/sup, 131.84; Clearwater Market, sup, 6.78; ColdType Publishing, print, 126.72; Corner Hardware & More, sup, 3,579.68; Daktronics, tech services, 1,113.75; DAS State Acctg-Central Finance OCIO, internet line, 411.70; Dusty’s, fuel, 252.42; E...
VILLAGE OF CLEARWATER APPROVED CLAIMS General Checking: Schlecht Trucking, srv, 834.90; B’s Enterprises, sup, 384.00; Quality Iron & Metal, sup, 383.05; Bomgaars, sup, 284.42; Ewing Feed & Supply, sup, 243.97; WEX Bank, fuel, 567.48; ERPPD, util, 1,178.75; NNTC, util, 157.76; Clearwater Market, sup, 28.36; ColdType Publishing, rent/adv, 784.80; Black Hills Energy, util, 742.10; DW’s Heating & Air, srv, 200.00; Farmers Pride, util, 259.25; Neligh Auto & Machine, sup, 260.82; Summerland Public School, fee, 10.00; Neb. Municipal Clerks’ Institute,...
PROCEEDINGS ANTELOPE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Neligh, Nebraska January 10, 2023 Vice chairperson opened the meeting. Notice of meeting published as required by statute. Approved agenda. Approved payroll. Approved vendor claims. General: AMERITAS LIFE INS CORP ins 18,615.51; ANTELOPE CO COURT ex 160.00; ANTELOPE CO SHRF ex 198.51; APPEARA ex 36.31; APPLIED CONN TECH ex 4,013.64; BLACK HILLS ENERGY ut 1,960.45; BCBS ins 77,750.80; BOB BARKER CO ex 179.96; BOMGAARS ex 230.19; DEBORAH BRANSTITER ex 29.49; CASEYS ex 582.87; CITY OF NELIGH ut 5,...
APPROVED BILLS SUMMERLAND PUBLIC SCHOOL Amazon Capital Services, Inc., sup, 804.08; AMGL, PC, audit fees, 16,500.00; Antelope Memorial Hospital, bus driver physical, 185.00; Black Hills Energy, nat gas, 310.26; Blackburn Mfg. Co., sup, 738.00; Bomgaars, sup, 43.94; BrainPOP LLC, sub renew, 3,515.00; Bud’s Sanitary Services, LLC, Nov/Dec trash pickup, 1,462.50; Capital One Bk(USA), NA, sup/hotel rooms/meals/fuel, 4,051.29; Clearwater Market, sup, 91.04; Climate Systems, Inc., labor to fix email issue with alarms, 540.00; ColdType Publishing, p...