Reliable, Trustworthy Reporting, Capturing The Heartbeat Of Our Community
Sorted by date Results 76 - 100 of 128
Amazon Capital Services, Inc., sup, 465.48; Antelope Memorial Hospital, bus driver physical, 468.00; Appleby, Greg A., winter 21-22 mileage claim, 414.00; Barnhill Piano service, piano tuning, 100.00; Black Hills Energy, nat gas, 2,226.87; Blain Pumping & Plumbing, rentals, 495.00; Canon Financial Services, Inc., printer lease, 22.81; Capital One Bk(USA), NA, sup, 1,910.00; Clearwater Market, sup, 32.32; ColdType Publishing, printing, 215.91; Corner Hardware & More, sup, 1,033.80; Courtney Soper, mileage, 368.55; DAS State Acctg-Central...
PROCEEDINGS ANTELOPE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS March 8, 2022 Chairman opened meeting. Notice of meeting published as required by statute. Approved agenda. Approved minutes from March 1, 2022, BOC and BOE meetings. Pledge collateral was reviewed. Correspondence was reviewed. February’s CDC monthly report; treasurer fund balance and revenue report; sheriff fee reports were reviewed. Zoning permit report. Approved payroll. Approved vendor claims. General: AKRS ex 145.26; AFLAC ins 850.00; AMERITAS LIFE INS CORP ins 15,109.42; ANTELOPE CO C...
APPROVED BILLS SUMMERLAND SCHOOL Amazon Capital Services, Inc., sup, 1,358.99; Antelope Memorial Hospital, bus driver physical, 312.00; B.E. Publishing, books/software high school business 2,146.93; Black Hills Energy - Ewing, nat gas, 2,685.24; Blick Art Materials, sup, 408.63; Bomgaars, sup, 22.97; Bud’s Sanitary Service, trash, 1,300.00; Canon Financial Services, Inc., printer lease, 22.81; Capital One Bk(USA), NA, sup/reg, 1,359.90; ColdType Publishing, printing, 188.14; Courtney Soper, mileage, 417.69; DAS State Acct-Central Finance O...
PROCEEDINGS ANTELOPE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Neligh, Nebraska Feb. 8, 2022 Vice-Chairman opened meeting. Notice of meeting published as required by statute. Approved agenda. Approved minutes from Jan. 4 and Feb.1, 2022, BOC Meeting. Approved payroll. Approved vendor claims. General: AFLAC ins 850.00; AMERITAS LIFE INS CORP ins 15,853.47; ANTELOPE CO COURT ex 88.00; APPEARA ex 31.78; APPLIED CONNECTIVE TECH ex 2,376.88; LUANN BARTOS ex 47.46; BLACK HILLS ENERGY ut 1,014.78; BCBS ins 57,154.05; BLUE360 MEDIA ex 174.59; BOMGAARS ex 285.42;...
Amazon Capital Services, Inc., sup, 2,134.11; Apple, Inc., 270 iPads - ECF grant through ESU, 80,730.00; Auto Glass Solutions, windshield, 349.00; Black Hills Energy, nat gas, 2,439.36; Bomgaars, sup, 33.90; Canon Financial Services, Inc., printer lease, 22.81; Capital One Bk(USA), NA, sup, 164.86; Coldtype Publishing, printing, 181.11; Cooper, Catherine A., mileage, 407.70; Courtney Soper, mileage, 282.24; Dusty’s, fuel, 308.49; Egan Supply Co., sup, 1,489.82; Elkhorn Rural Public Power, elec, 6,958.96; ESU #8, SPED & workshop fees, 3...
ANTELOPE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Neligh, Nebraska January 11, 2022 Chairman opened meeting. Notice of meeting published as required by statute. Approved agenda. Approved payroll. Approved vendor claims. GENERAL: JOSEPH ABLER ex 98.00; AFLAC ins 850.00; AMERITAS LIFE INS CORP ins 14,601.86; ANTELOPE CO COURT ex 149.00; ANTELOPE CO SHERIFF ex 74.46; APPEARA ex 33.56; APPLIED CONN TECH ex 815.00; ASCHOFF AUCTION CO ex 250.00; BEAR GRAPHICS ex 631.16; BLACK HILLS ENERGY ut 1,125.98; BCBS ins 57,081.15; BOB BARKER CO ex 629.76; BOMGAARS ex...
APPROVED BILLS SUMMERLAND PUBLIC SCHOOL December 2021 Amazon Capital Services, Inc, sup, 3,210.28; AMGL, PC, annual audit fees, 16,200.00; Antelope Memorial Hospital, bus driver physical, 156.00; Bart Koinzan snow pusher, 1,250.00; Black Hills Energy, nat gas, 579.11; Bomgaars, sup, 439.32; Bud’s Sanitary Service, trash, 1,462.50; Canon Financial Services, Inc., printer lease, 22.81; Capital One Bk(USA), NA, sup/rooms/meals,etc, 4,656.58; Clearwater Market, sup, 26.83; ColdType Publishing, print, 169.65; Courtney Soper, mileage, 564.48; DAS S...
ROCEEDINGS ANTELOPE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Neligh, Nebraska December 14, 2021 Notice of meeting published as required by statute. A complete record of these minutes as well as all resolutions and agreements are on file at the County Clerk’s Office and are open to the public. Chairman opened meeting. Approved agenda. Pledge Collateral and correspondence were reviewed. November report from sheriff was presented. Review of claims. Approved Payroll. Approved vendor claims: General: MELVIN AHLERS ret 24.00; AFLAC ins 910.45; A MERITAS LIFE I...
APPROVED BILLS SUMMERLAND PUBLIC SCHOOL Amazon Capital Services, Inc., sup, 1,743.60; Apple, Inc., deposit for apps, 1.00; Appleby, Greg, mileage, 832.80; Barnhill Piano Service, piano tuning, 400.00; Black Hills Energy, nat gas, 425.37; Bomgaars, sup, 138.71; Butch’s Body Shop, towing van #23, 179.50; Canon Financial Services, Inc., printer lease, 22.81; Clearwater Market, sup, 30.60; ColdType Publishing, print, 148.11; Corner Hardware & More, sup, 149.68; Courtney Soper, mileage reimb, 705.60; Darin Wickersham, mowing, 185.00; Dusty’s, fue...
PROCEEDINGS ANTELOPE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Neligh, Nebraska November 9, 2021 Notice of meeting published as required by statute. A complete record of these minutes, as well as all resolutions and agreements, are on file at the county clerk’s office and are open to the public. Chairman opened meeting. Approved agenda. Approved 11-02-2021 Board of Commissioner meeting minutes. Pledge collateral and correspondence was reviewed. October reports from treasurer, sheriff, clerk of district court were presented. Review of claims. Approved p...
PROCEEDINGS ANTELOPE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Neligh, Nebraska Oct. 12, 2021 Notice of meeting published as required by statute. A complete record of these minutes, as well as all resolutions and agreements, are on file at the county clerk’s office and are open to the public. Chairman opened meeting. Approved agenda. Pledge collateral and correspondence was reviewed. Met with Senator Adrian Smith’s office representative. Review of claims. Approved payroll. Zoning administrator. Ground maintenance report was heard. Tabled 150th ann...
APPROVED BILLS SUMMERLAND PUBLIC SCHOOL OM Tech, laser engraver/accessories (Perkins Grant), 4,141.85; Amazon, tech sup, 1,130.68; Amazon Capital Services, Inc., Sup, 1,358.33; Antelope Memorial Hospital, transport physical, 156.00; Black Hills Energy nat gas, 362.19; Bud’s Sanitary service, eight-yd dumpster and pickup fees, 1,925.00; Canon Financial Services, Inc., Printer lease, 22.81; Capital One Bk(USA), NA, sup/reg/bkgrnd checks/fees, 8,676.58; ColdType Publishing, print, 384.69; Computer Hardware, Inc., Sup, 79.00; Corner Hardware & M...
APPROVED BILLS SUMMERLAND PUBLIC SCHOOL Summerland Public School, misc. reimb - operating acct, 2,203.93; IXL Learning, sub renew, 4,392.00; Renaissance Learning, sub renew, 9,430.00; Stadium Sports, 2 score tables for gyms, 6,880.00; ESU #8, SPED, 34,291.46; Amazon, sup, 3,739.24; Antelope Memorial Hospital, bus driver physicals, 691.00; Appeara, sup, 147.87; Austin T. Good, grounds maint, 850.00; B.E. Publishing, software, 1,375.47; Barco Municipal Products, Inc., flashing speed signs, 1,054.05; Black Hills Energy, nat gas, 323.96; Canon...
PROCEEDINGS ANTELOPE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Neligh, Nebraska Sept. 14, 2021 Notice of meeting published as required by statute. A complete record of these minutes, as well as all resolutions and agreements, are on file at the county clerk’s office and are open to the public. Chairman opened meeting. Approved agenda. Minutes of Sept. 7 BOC meeting were approved. Pledge collateral and correspondence were reviewed. Review of claims. Approved payroll. Approved township claim. Zoning administrator: Planning and zoning meeting and CUP h...
APPROVED BILLS SUMMERLAND SCHOOL August 2021 A To Z Vac N Sew, rep, 1,247.00; ACT, testing, 462.00; Amazon Capital Services, Inc., sup, 1,454.00; Antelope Memorial Hospital, bus driver physical, 145.00; Appeara, sup, 98.58; Apple, Inc., iPad PRO, 749.00; Austin T. Good, grounds maint, 850.00; Black Hills Energy, nat gas, 225.15; BrainPOP, LLC, sub renew, 3,250.00; Bullseye Fire Sprinkler, Inc., sprinkler inspect, 280.00; Canon Financial Services, Inc., printer lease, 22.81; Capital One Bk(USA), NA, sup, 2,190.66; CEV, ag software, 850.00;...
PROCEEDINGS ANTELOPE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Neligh, Nebraska July 13, 2021 Notice of meeting published as required by statute. A complete record of these minutes as well as all resolutions and agreements are on file at the county clerk’s office and are open to the public. Chairman opened meeting. Notice of meeting published as required by statute. Approved agenda. Review payroll and vendor claims. Minutes of July 6, 2021 BOC meeting were tabled. Approved payroll. Pledge collateral was reviewed. Correspondence was reviewed. Zoning a...
PROCEEDINGS SUMMERLAND PUBLIC SCHOOL BOARD OF EDUCATION July 12, 2021 Summerland Public School Board of Education held a regular meeting, Monday, July 12, 2021, at the Ewing site. President Nordby called the meeting , which was advertised in the July 7 newspaper, to order at 6:03 p.m. Nordby noted the Open Meetings Act posted in the boardroom. Roll call was taken. Present: Candice Hoke, Marty Kerkman, Ed Nordby, Nate Schwager, Steven Thiele, Jeremy Wagner. Motion by Thiele, seconded by Kerkman, to approve the agenda as presented. Voting aye:...
APPROVED BILLS SUMMERLAND PUBLIC SCHOOL United States Treasury, 2018 ACA penalties, 31,610; Adams Book Company, sup, 449.17; Amazon Capital Services, Inc., sup, 1,268.35; AMG O’Neill, bus driver physical, 150.00; Appeara, sup, 97.04; Apple, Inc. IPad keyboard, 398.00; Austin T. Good, July 2021 grounds/maint, 850.00; Avera St. Anthony’s Hospital, bus driver testing, 134.00; Black Hills Energy, nat gas, 374.99; Blick Art Materials, sup, 108.00; Canon Financial services, Inc., Printer lease, 38.20; Capital One Bk(USA), NA, sup, 2,185.76; Car...
SUMMERLAND SCHOOL Amazon Capital Services, Inc., supplies, $307.36; ACT, testing fees, $98.00;, 12 month subscript, $465.00; AKRS Equip, supplies, $96.39; Amazon Capital Services, Inc., credit for non-shipped items, $3,829.55; Antelope Memorial Hospital, bus driver physical, $290.00; Appeara, supplies, $436.04; Appleby, Greg, milage reims, $365.12; Austin Good, grounds maintain, $850.00; Avera St. Anthony’s Hospital, therapy-sped, $368.70; Black Hills Energy, natural gas, $1,802.47; Blick Art Material, supplies, $257.02; BSN S...
Fifteen teams raised approximately $1,200 for the Summerland Bobcat golf team during the first Summerland Booster Club Tournament. The May 29 event featured a nine-hole tournament, with four individuals competing per team. Winners of the championship flight were Aaron Kruger, Echo Thiele, Kyle Finke and Garret Finke. Second-place honors went to Brock Kaczor's squad and third-place finishers were the Blake Cunningham team, which also included Katie Cunningham and Tad and Laura Fry. Mike Tagel's...
A 45-mile cruise between Ewing, Orchard and Clearwater drew 15 teams to compete in the FunFest road rally, sponsored by the Summerland Advocate-Messenger and Ewing Young Members Club. Knowledge of each of the town's businesses and landmarks came in handy. A background in history may have been helpful, too, as several clues referred to the past. Having a lead foot didn't make a difference. Contestants simply needed to answer questions and snap photographs to document each stop. Stops along the...
PROCEEDINGS ANTELOPE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Neligh, Nebraska May 11, 2021 Notice of meeting published as required by statute. A complete record of these minutes, as well as all resolutions and agreements, are on file at the County Clerk’s office and are open to the public. Chairman opened meeting. Notice of meeting published as required by statute. Approved agenda. Approved payroll. Pledge collateral was reviewed. Correspondence was reviewed. Monthly reports for sheriff, treasurer (two), clerk of district court. Approved NACO BC/BS m...
April 2021 AbleNet, sup-SPED, 255.00 ACT, preACT package, 126.00; Amazon, print exp, 290.69; Anson Electric, Inc., labor, 65.00; Antelope Memorial Hospital, bus driver phys; 145.00; Appeara, sup, 503.06; Avera St. Anthony’s Hospital, therapy - OT, 670.40; Black Hills Energy, nat gas, 6,814.95; Candlewood Suites, state speech rooms, 599.80; Canon Financial Services, Inc., Print lease, 22.81; Capital One Bk(USA), NA, sup/rooms/equip, 9.249.88; Clearwater Public School - op acct, misc reimb, 387.49; ColdType Publishing, LLC, print, 190.13; C...
Notice of meeting published as required by statute. A complete record of these minutes, as well as all resolutions and agreements, are on file at the County Clerk’s office and are open to the public. Chairman opened meeting. Notice of meeting published as required by statute. Approved agenda. Approved minutes of the March 2, 2021, and April 6, 2021 BOC meetings. Approved payroll. Approved vendor claims: General: AMERICAN FAMILY LIFE ASSUR ins, 779.88; AMERITAS LIFE INS CORP ins, 14,901.58; ANTELOPE CO COURT ex, 136.00; ANTELOPE CO SHERIFF e...
Tickets are on sale for the Ewing 150th plus one concert, featuring Little Texas and Hi-Fi Hangover, scheduled for May 30, at 8 p.m. Tickets may be purchased for $15 at Anson Electric, DW's Pub, Ewing Family Foods, Ewing Bank and WestEnd Mini Mart in Ewing; Bearinger Tax & Accounting, LLC and Hi-Way Mart, in Clearwater; Midwest Bank, in Creighton; Bank of Orchard and Corner Hardware and More, in Orchard; KBRX and O'Neill Pharmacy, in O'Neill; Hilltop Drug, Thriftway Market and Wanek Drug, in...