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(128) stories found containing 'Bank of Orchard'

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    Mar 23, 2023

    PROCEEDINGS ANTELOPE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Neligh, Nebraska March 14, 2023 Chairman opened the meeting. Notice of meeting published as required by statute. Approved agenda. Approved payroll. Approved vendor claims. General: AMERITAS LIFE INS CORP ins 17,547.81; ANTELOPE CO COURT ex 384.00; APPEARA ex 34.70; APPLIED CONNECTIVE TECH ex 7,795.69; BLACK HILLS ENERGY ut 2,678.24; BCBS ins 64,742.94; OLTJENBRUNS INC ex 4,610.43; BOMGAARS ex 35.96; BUTCH'S BODY SHOP ex 259.00; CARHART LUMBER ex 45.99; CARNEY LAW ex 6,123.00; CITY OF NELIGH ut...


    Feb 23, 2023

    PROCEEDINGS ANTELOPE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Neligh, Nebraska Feb. 14, 2023 Chairman opened the meeting. Notice of meeting published as required by statute. Approved agenda. Approved payroll. Approved vendor claims. General: AMERICAN SCREENING ex 255.00; AMERITAS LIFE INS CORP ex 18,885.34; ANTELOPE CO COURT ex 17.00; APPEARA ex 35.77; APPLIED CONNECTIVE TECH ex 3,928.70; BLACK HILLS ENERGY ut 4,407.66; BCBS ins 61,241.44; BOMGAARS ex 305.15; BORDERS INN/SUITES ex 288.00; CARNEY LAW ex 36,000.20; CASEYS ex 129.20; CITY OF NELIGH ut...


    Feb 23, 2023

    APPROVED BILLS SUMMERLAND SCHOOL Amazon Capital Services, Inc., sup, 270.65; Antelope County Clerk, election ballot fees, 1,691.07; Black Hills Energy, nat gas, 573.58; Bomgaars, sup, 59.44; Capital One Bk(USA), NA, sup/meals, 274.29; Clearwater Market, sup, 119.02; ColdType Publishig, printing, 115.20; Culligan of Norfolk, serv, 85.00; DAS State Acctg-Central Finance OCIO, internet line carges, 411.70; Dusty’s, fuel, 691.37; Eakes, sup, 195.98; Egan Supply Co., sup, 2,778.67; Electronic Contracting Company, annual alarm central monitoring, 3...


    Jan 26, 2023

    PROCEEDINGS SUMMERLAND PUBLIC SCHOOL BOARD OF EDUCATION Summerland Public School Board of Education met in regular session, Wednesday, Jan. 18, 2023, in the school’s board room. President Ed Nordby called the meeting to order at 6:32 p.m. Nordby noted the Open Meetings Act poster in the board room. Members present: Nordby, Nate Schwager, Scott Thiele, Steve Thiele, Austin Twibell and Jeremy Wagner. Nordby turned the meeting over to Superintendent Finke for election of officers. All board members took the oath of office. Discuss, consider and t...

  • Proceedings Antelope County Board of Commissioners

    Jan 19, 2023

    PROCEEDINGS ANTELOPE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Neligh, Nebraska January 10, 2023 Vice chairperson opened the meeting. Notice of meeting published as required by statute. Approved agenda. Approved payroll. Approved vendor claims. General: AMERITAS LIFE INS CORP ins 18,615.51; ANTELOPE CO COURT ex 160.00; ANTELOPE CO SHRF ex 198.51; APPEARA ex 36.31; APPLIED CONN TECH ex 4,013.64; BLACK HILLS ENERGY ut 1,960.45; BCBS ins 77,750.80; BOB BARKER CO ex 179.96; BOMGAARS ex 230.19; DEBORAH BRANSTITER ex 29.49; CASEYS ex 582.87; CITY OF NELIGH ut 5,...

  • Clifton earns bachelor's degree

    Jan 5, 2023

    Peyton Clifton, of Orchard, earned a Bachelor of Science Degree in education and human sciences from the College of Education and Human Sciences, during University of Nebraska-Lincoln commencement exercises, held Dec. 17 at Pinnacle Bank Arena. The university conferred 1,288 degrees during the event. Graduates represent 50 countries, 41 states and more than 170 Nebraska communities. Sen. Deb Fischer delivered the undergraduate commencement address Dec. 17. Katrina Jagodinsky, Susan J. Rosowski...

  • Holiday play premieres in Orchard

    LuAnn Schindler, Publisher|Dec 29, 2022

    A world premiere took place in Orchard, Dec. 17, when the 402 Theater Group presented "I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus." The 10-minute holiday play, inspired by the Christmas song, opened Dec. 17 at the Orchard Community Center. The script was penned by Orchard resident Don Lallier. Cast members included Jersey Grey, Jillian Henn, Raeley Meyer and Gunnar Shabram. Lynae Stelling provided musical accompaniment and Derek Henn assisted backstage. Following the production, Santa Claus paid a visit...

  • Proceedings Antelope County Commissioners

    Dec 22, 2022

    PROCEEDINGS ANTELOPE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Neligh, Nebraska Dec. 13, 2022 Chairman opened meeting. Notice of meeting published as required by statute. Open meeting. Met in executive session regarding legal issues. Approved agenda and minutes of 11-07-2022 BOC meeting. Correspondence was reviewed. Approve payroll claims. Pledge collateral was reviewed. Approved the following vendor claims: General: MELVIN AHLERS ret 24.00; AMERITAS LIFE INSURANCE CORP ins 17,558.78; ANTELOPE CO COURT ex 157.00; ANTELOPE CO NEWS ex 30.56; APPEARA ex...


    Nov 24, 2022

    APPROVED BILLS SUMMERLAND PUBLIC SCHOOL Amazon Capital Services, Inc., lib books/sup; 521.22; American Speech-Language Hearing Association, dues, 253.00; Appleby, Greg A., mileage, 850.00; Black Hills Energy, nat gas, 260.65; Bomgaars, sup, 55.09; Capital One Bk(USA), NA, sup/wkshps/fees/etc., 4,842.06; Clearwater Market, sup, 194.88; ColdType Publishing, printing, 449.80; Daktronics, rep to buzzer horn in main gym, 776.25; DAS State Acctg-Central Finance OCIO, internet charges, 300.94; Eakes Office Solutions, copier exp, 195.98; Egan Supply...


    Oct 27, 2022

    APPROVED BILLS SUMMERLAND PUBLIC SCHOOL Amazon Capital Services, Inc., sup, 533.74; Black Hills Energy, nat gas, 184.97; Bomgaars sup, 78.88; Bud’s Sanitary Service, trash serv, 1,464.50; Capital One Bk(USA), NA, sup/rooms/meals/etc, 2,250.42; Central Community College, backflow certification class, 85.00 Clearwater Market, sup, 52.63; ColdType Publishing, print, 335.08; DAS State Acctg-Central Finance OCIO, internet line, 411.70; Dusty’s, fuel, 492.02; Eakes Office Solutions copier exp, 2,596.76; Egan Supply Co., sup, 1,025.70; Elkhorn Rur...


    Oct 20, 2022

    • PROCEEDINGS ANTELOPE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Neligh, Nebraska Oct. 11, 2022 Chairman opened meeting. Notice of meeting published as required by statute. Open meeting. Approved agenda and minutes of 10-04-2022 BOC meeting. Correspondence was reviewed. Sheriff fee report, clerk of the district court report, treasurer fund balance report and treasurer miscellaneous revenue report for September were reviewed. Approve payroll claims. Pledge collateral was reviewed. Approved the following vendor claims: General: AMERITAS LIFE INS CORP ins 1...

  • Proceedings Antelope County Board of Commissioners

    Sep 22, 2022

    PROCEEDINGS ANTELOPE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Neligh, Nebraska Sept. 13, 2022 Vice-chairman opened meeting. Notice of meeting published as required by statute. Open meeting. Approved agenda and minutes of 08-09-2022, 08-24-2022, 09-01-2022 and 09-06-2022 BOC meetings, and 08-09-2022 BOE meeting. Correspondence was reviewed. Sheriff Fee Report for August. Correspondence was reviewed. Approve payroll claims. Pledge Collateral was reviewed. Approved the following vendor claims: General: AMERITAS LIFE INS CORP ins 17,309.54; ANTELOPE CO COURT...

  • Approved bills Summerland School

    Sep 22, 2022

    APPROVED BILLS SUMMERLAND SCHOOL Summerland - Operating Acc’t, misc reimb, 1,915.88; 5 Minute Kids, sup, 111.00; Amazon Capital Services, Inc., sup, 366.05; Anson, Kelly, reimb-dance, 500.00; Antelope Memorial Hospital, bus driver physical, 312.00; Austin T. Good, Aug. 2022 mowing, 280.00; Auto Glass Solutions, windshield, 1,307.20; Black Hills Energy - Ewing, nat gas, 198.35; Bud’s Sanitary Service, trash, 1,300.00; Capital One Bk(USA), NA, sup, 4,833.36; Clearwater Market, sup, 58.57; Coldtype Publishing, print, 151.78; Corner Hardware & Mor...


    Aug 25, 2022

    APPROVED CLAIMS SUMMERLAND SCHOOL Amazon Capital services, Inc, sup, 399.01; Antelope Memorial Hospital, bus driver physicals, 312.00; Austin T. Good, July mowing, 560.00; Barnhill Piano Service, piano tune, 250.00; Black Hills Energy, nat gas, 248.83; Blick Art Materials, sup, 1,283.46; Canon Financial Services, Inc., printer lease, 22.81; Canon Financial Services, Inc., printer buyout, 750.79; Capital One Bk(USA), NA, sup/bkgr cks/meals, 1,815.69; Coldtype Publishing, printing, 359.55; Cornhusker Int’l, 2023 bus, 89,200.00; Corner Hardware &...

  • Proceedings Antelope County Board of Commissioners

    Aug 18, 2022

    PROCEEDINGS ANTELOPE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Neligh, Nebraska Aug. 9, 2022 Vice-chairman opened meeting. Notice of meeting published as required by statute. Open meeting. Approved agenda and minutes of 08-02-2022 BOC meeting. Correspondence was reviewed. Treasurer’s fund balance report, treasurer’s miscellaneous revenue report, zoning permit report, clerk of the district court fee report and sheriff fee report for July. Approve payroll claims. Pledge collateral was reviewed. Approved vendor claims: General: A-1 FLAGS POLES & REPAIR ex 140...


    Jul 21, 2022

    • APPROVED BILLS SUMMERLAND SCHOOL, sub renew, 465.00; Amazon Capital Services, Inc., sup, 53.23; Antelope Memorial Hospital, bus driver physicals, 468.00; Austin T. Good, June mowings, 560.00; Black Hills Energy, nat gas, 263.94; Bluum USA., Inc., sup, 30.54; Bomgaars, sup, 23.68; Canon Financial Services, Inc., printer lease, 33.41; Capital One Bk(USA), NA, sup, 2,722.63; ColdType Publishing, print, 135.41; Corner Hardware & More, sup, 2,403.84; Dusty’s, fuel, 83.00; Egan Supply Co., gym floors’ resurfacing, 7,932.00; Elkho...


    Jul 21, 2022

    PROCEEDINGS ANTELOPE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Neligh, Nebraska July 12, 2022 Chairman opened meeting. Notice of meeting published as required by statute. Open meeting. Approved agenda and minutes of 7-05-2022 BOC meeting, Correspondence was reviewed. Treasurer’s fund balance report and treasurer’s miscellaneous report. Approve payroll claims. Approved vendor claims: General: AMERITAS LIFE INS CORP ins 16,027.68; ANTELOPE CO COURT ex 55.00; ANTELOPE CO SHERIFF ex 346.48; ANTELOPE CO TREAS ex 500,200.00; APPLIED CONN TECH ex 2,596.20; AXO...

  • Salon offers hair, tanning options

    Erin Schwager, Journalist|Jul 14, 2022

    Got Style, in Clearwater, is owned by Marsha Drury and has been supporting the community with all its hair needs since 2000. While Got Style has been open since 2000, the building itself has quite the history. On Aug. 16, 1918, the building was a functioning schoolhouse known as District 20, located five and one-half miles southwest of Neligh. It was brought to Clearwater, across a couple of bridges, by a steam tractor. The building was first located at 604 Main Street, where Cornerstone Bank is...

  • Approved Bills Summerland Public School

    Jun 23, 2022

    APPROVED BILLS SUMMERLAND PUBLIC SCHOOL Adaptive Tech Solutions, sup, 116.60; Amazon Capital Services, Inc., sup, 9,264.89; Apple, Inc., Apple Ipad/sup, 1,088.00; Appleby, Greg A., mileage reimb, 281.97; Austin T. Good, May mowing, 560.00; B.E. Publishing, software renew, 1,842.95; Black Hills Energy, nat gas, 614.66; Bomgaars, sup, 54.23; Bud’s Sanitary Services, trash, 1,300.00; Canon Financial Services, Inc., printer lease, 22.81; Capital One Bk(USA),NA, sup, 11,926.87; CEV, lic renew 2022-2023, 850.00; Clearwater Market, sup, 214.90; C...

  • Proceedings Antelope County Board of Commissioners

    Jun 23, 2022

    PROCEEDINGS ANTELOPE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Neligh, Nebraska June 14, 2022 Chairman opened meeting. Notice of meeting published as required by statute. Open meeting. Approved agenda and minutes of 6-7-2022 BOC meeting. Correspondence and pledge collateral was reviewed. Sheriff’s fee report. Heard report from Antelope County Library Association. Approve payroll claims. Approved vendor claims: General: JOSEPH E.W. ABLER ex 61.11; AKRS ex 52.26; AFLAC ins 850.00; AMERITAS LIFE INS CORP ins 16,287.10; AMH FAMILY PRACTICE ex 138.00; ANTELOPE...

  • County food pantry receives donations from care-a-van

    Erin Schwager, Journalist|Jun 16, 2022

    The 10/11 Can Care-a-Van returned this summer to help food pantries across Nebraska stock up on nonperishable food items. Can Care-a-Van is an outreach to help gather food donations for local food pantries. One of the Can Care-a-Van locations was in Neligh on Tues, June 7. Bev Alderson, manager of the Antelope County Food Pantry, had volunteers set up in every community in the county to help gather donations. Rita Shabram, Jeff Shabram, and Wyatt Shabram volunteered to run the Can Care-a-Van...


    May 26, 2022

    APPROVED BILLS SUMMERLAND SCHOOL 20/20 Technologies, LLC, Wi-Fi access - three-year sub, 8,510.00; Active Network, track/field software, 291.50; Amazon Capital Services, Inc., sup, 2,926.65; Black Hills Energy, nat gas, 1,318.52; Canon Financial Services, Inc., printer lease, 22.81; Capital One Bk(USA), NA, sup/rooms, 2,556.72; ColdType Publishing, print, 186.86; Corner Hardware & More, sup, 38.28; Courtney Soper, mileage, 422.37; DAS State Acct’g, internet line, 846.51; Dusty’s, fuel, 558.78; Egan Supply Co., sup, 1,940.62; Elkhorn Rural Pub...


    May 19, 2022

    PROCEEDINGS ANTELOPE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Neligh, Nebraska May 9, 2022 Chairman opened meeting. Notice of meeting published as required by statute. Approved agenda. Approved minutes from May 3, 2022, BOC meeting. Pledge collateral was reviewed. Correspondence was reviewed. Treasurer fund balance and revenue report, clerk of district court report and sheriff fee reports were reviewed. Approved payroll. Approved vendor claims. General: AFLAC ins 850.00; AMERITAS LIFE INS CORP ins 15,844.90; ANTELOPE CO COURT ex 409.00; ANTELOPE CO TREAS...


    Apr 21, 2022

    PROCEEDINGS ANTELOPE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Neligh, Nebraska April 12, 2022 Chairman opened meeting. Notice of meeting published as required by statute. Approved agenda. Held minutes from April 5, 2022 BOC meeting. Pledge collateral was reviewed. Correspondence was reviewed. Treasurer fund balance and revenue report; sheriff fee reports were reviewed. Approved payroll. Approved vendor claims: General: AFLAC ins 850.00; AMERITAS LIFE INS CORP ins 16,663.18; ANTELOPE CO COURT ex 169.00; ACN ex 50.00; ANTELOPE CO SHERIFF ex 281.34; APPEARA...


    Apr 21, 2022

    APPROVED BILLS SUMMERLAND SCHOOL U.S. Treasury, 2019 ACA penalty, 33,437.50; Amazon Capital Services, Inc., sup, 440.34; Black Hills Energy, nat gas, 2,630.96; Blick Art Materials, sup, 23.28; Bomgaars, sup, 12.31; Bud’s Sanitary Services, trash, 1,462.50; Canon Financial Services, Inc., printer lease 22.81; Capital One Bk(USA), NA, sup, 350.06; ColdType Publishing, printing, 164.86; Corner Hardware & More, sup, 2,047.48; Courtney Soper, mileage, 515.97; Dusty’s, fuel, 646.34; Eakes Office Solutions, ride-on floor scrubber/sup, 18,606.82; Ega...

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