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Articles from the April 8, 2021 edition

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 16 of 16

  • Meuret appointed to county visitors committee

    LuAnn Schindler, Publisher|Apr 8, 2021

    Stephanie Meuret, of Brunswick, will fill a vacated position on the Antelope County Visitors Committee. County commissioners approved the appointment, Tuesday, during a regular meeting, at the Antelope County Courthouse in Neligh. Meuret will fill a four-year term. Commissioner Carolyn Pedersen said the seat became open following the resignation of Holly Meuret of Brunswick. "That's why Stephanie was appointed," Pedersen said. Commissioners also approved two improvement grants and one...

  • Holt County Supervisors adopt resolutions

    LuAnn Schindler, Publisher|Apr 8, 2021

    Holt County Supervisors faced a light agenda, approving two resolutions, during the board’s March 31 meeting in O’Neill. Resolution 2021-10 approves the formation of a COVID American Rescue Plan Fund, following the passage of the American Rescue Plan Act by Congress. The resolution directs the county treasurer to establish the fund. County clerk Cathy Pavel will add the fund to the 2021-2022 budget. Supervisor Doug Frahm made the motion to adopt the resolution and Darrin Paxton seconded the mot...

  • Single-family housing development in the works

    LuAnn Schindler, Publisher|Apr 8, 2021

    Plans to develop single-family housing units, in Clearwater, are one step closer to reality. Clearwater Community Development Group, LLC, broke ground on property located at Sixth and Iowa streets, March 23. Group members, including Jeremy Sanne, Bill Thiele, Curt Thiele and Walt Aschoff outlined plans to a gathering of approximately 30 community members at a March 28 meeting. Bill Thiele said the group has tapped into Aschoff's experience with construction and development in communities across...

  • Niobrara Valley Conference art show planned

    LuAnn Schindler, Publisher|Apr 8, 2021

    More than 1,200 pieces of high school and junior high artwork, representing Niobrara Valley Conference schools, will be on display later this month at Atkinson West Holt Public School. The art show will be held April 29, from 5 to 8 p.m., and Friday, April 30, from 8 to 2 p.m., in the school’s gymnasium. The show will be open to the public and is free of charge. Artwork on display represents yearlong efforts of students and will feature drawings, paintings, sculpture, textiles and more. J...

  • -Isms: Views on life in rural America

    LuAnn Schindler, Publisher|Apr 8, 2021

    A couple topics are brewing in my mind and, since it’s Tuesday, and I’ve been attempting to construct on outline for this week’s column, I’ll probably split it into two sections. See, this is what happens when I procrastinate, -er, utilize my collegiate debate skills to fine-tune a creative argument. *** A recent National Public Radio segment got me thinking. I want to break up with Facebook, personally and professionally. The segment talked about tensions between the social network and Austral...

  • Medical marijuana legalization advances in legislature

    Sen. Tim Gragert|Apr 8, 2021

    The question of whether Nebraska should legalize medical marijuana will be debated by the Legislature this year. LB 474, the Medicinal Cannabis Act, was advanced this past week from the Judiciary Committee on a 5-2-1 vote. It has been prioritized by Senator Anna Wishart, the primary sponsor of LB 474. The bill, 62 pages in length, provides the regulatory framework to establish access to cannabis for medical purposes. It limits the allowable amount of cannabis, requires a patient to have a bona...

  • Expanding, evolving, redefining our post-pandemic worlds

    Apr 8, 2021

    TAMMY DAY Civic Nebraska As winter turns to spring and dreams of summertime travel and adventure appear to be real possibilities, I find myself trying to dust off the cobwebs of the past year and figuring out how to transition to the post-pandemic world. There is an opportunity in this in-between space to pause and consider what’s next. Instead of falling back into the way things “have always been done,” there is value in taking a moment to consider how to do things differently and what new possibilities may be available as a result. In refle...

  • O'Neill man fined for domestic assault, felony charge dropped

    Sandy Schroth, Editor|Apr 8, 2021

    An O’Neill man was sentenced by the Honorable Mark Kozisek in the Holt County district courtroom last Monday, March 29, for a 2019 crime. Ceaser A. Leon, 31, was fined $500 for committing third-degree domestic assault, a Class 3 misdemeanor committed Oct. 20, 2019. Leon pleaded guilty last November after reaching a plea deal with Holt County prosecutor Brent Kelly. In return Kelly dropped a felony strangulation charge....

  • Ewing FunFest parade registration underway

    Apr 8, 2021

    Stars and stripes will headline the Ewing 150 + One FunFest parade, planned for Saturday, May 29. Registration for the event will be accepted through May 20. Forms, which appear on Page 8 of this week's edition, are due to Chantelle Dempster at PO Box 362, Ewing, NE 68735. Dempster may also be reached via text at 402-340-6760 or email at [email protected]. Lineup for the parade will begin at 11:30 a.m., at the football field. The parade will begin at 12:30 p.m....

  • Mobile food pantry planned in Neligh

    Apr 8, 2021

    The mobile food pantry, sponsored by the Neligh United Methodist Church, as well as various other churches, individuals and businesses in the area, will disperse food, Tuesday, April 20, from 3 to 5 p.m. A new location has been announced for the pantry, which will now be held at the Antelope County Fairgrounds on the east side of Neligh. The pantry will still be held outside using a drive-up delivery, where recipients will remain in their vehicles and volunteers will load the food. Volunteers will be on hand to assist with parking. Food Bank...

  • Seven Bobcats earn all-state academic honors

    Apr 8, 2021

    The Nebraska School Activities Assocation and Nebraska Chiropractic Physicians Association recently recognized students who were nominated by their schools for the NCPA academic all-state awards. Individuals were nominated for their individual academic excelence, leadership and contributions made to NSAA activities. Seven Summerland students received the award for winter activity participation, including Mason Hoke and Dillon Moser, boys' basketball; Avery Cheatum and Hadley Cheatum, girls'...

  • Grebin leads Bobcats in golf team season opener

    Apr 8, 2021

    Rafe Grebin shot 46 to take the top individual honors during a March 29 dual against Niobrara/Verdigre. Summerland shot 206, three strokes more than N/V. Matthew Potter finished with 50; Daley Bearinger, 54; Kelton Bruhn, 56 and Kellen Mlnarik, 59. Preston Crosley led N/V with 47, while Bradyn Tschirren finished with 48 and Max Hollmann and Tierre Kitto carded 54 apiece The Bobcats were scheduled to compete in the CWC quadranguler, Tuesday, but the meet was moved to Thursday, April 8, due to impending weather....

  • Governor Ricketts signs 16 bills to become laws

    Apr 8, 2021

    BROOKE WRAGE Nebraska News Service As of March 31, Gov. Pete Ricketts approved 16 bills to become state laws. The bills include topics varying from transportation and health care to government and military affairs. An overview of the new state laws follows. View the full list of bills that received approval on the Nebraska Legislature at LB 14: Adopt the Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology Interstate Compact Sen. Carol Blood of Bellevue introduced LB 14, which will allow...

  • Notice of Meeting Summerland School Board of Education

    Apr 8, 2021

    NOTICE OF MEETING SUMMERLAND PUBLIC SCHOOL BOARD OF EDUCATION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Summerland Public School Board of Education will hold a regular meeting Tuesday, April 12, at 6 p.m., at the Clearwater site. An agenda for the regular meeting is kept continuously current and available for public inspection at the office of the superintendent in Orchard. Except for items of an emergency nature, the agenda shall not be enlarged later than 24 hours before the scheduled commencement of the meeting. Published April 8, 2021 ZNEZ • A...

  • Tickets on sale for Ewing celebration concert

    Apr 8, 2021

    Tickets are on sale for the Ewing 150th plus one concert, featuring Little Texas and Hi-Fi Hangover, scheduled for May 30, at 8 p.m. Tickets may be purchased for $15 at Anson Electric, DW's Pub, Ewing Family Foods, Ewing Bank and WestEnd Mini Mart in Ewing; Bearinger Tax & Accounting, LLC and Hi-Way Mart, in Clearwater; Midwest Bank, in Creighton; Bank of Orchard and Corner Hardware and More, in Orchard; KBRX and O'Neill Pharmacy, in O'Neill; Hilltop Drug, Thriftway Market and Wanek Drug, in...

  • Vaccine clinics announced

    Apr 8, 2021

    North Central District Health Department will host Johnson & Johnson vaccine clinics in the area this week. Residents may sign up for the vaccine at the following clinics by visiting and clicking the yellow button on the home page. This will take visitors to the NCDHD COVID-19 vaccine sign-up page or use the tinyurl link associated with each clinic. Scheduled clinics include: • Monday, April 12, 4 to 6 p.m., Plainview High School Tartan (south) gym, 301 W. Pilcher Avenue, Plainview. Enter on the south side of the building. h...