Reliable, Trustworthy Reporting, Capturing The Heartbeat Of Our Community

Articles written by Brett Wesner

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  • Big tech is steamrolling America's newspapers

    Brett Wesner, Chair National Newspaper Assocation President Wesner Publications|Jul 21, 2022

    Google and Facebook have enormous economic and political power in society – especially over the news industry. Many ask if they have played a role in the misinformation that erodes our free press and plagues our democracy. Google and Facebook have a duopoly of the distribution of digital news content, which drives people to their platforms where they make money. The platforms hoard critical data and use clever tactics, like reframing stories in rich previews, to keep users on their sites – sip...

  • A shot in the arm for small business advertising would boost local economies

    Brett Wesner|Sep 2, 2021

    BRETT WESNER Chair of the National Newspaper Association, a community newspaper organization and president of Wesner Publications, Cordell, Oklahoma A little-noticed initiative by Sen. Maria Cantwell, D-Washington, and six other senators would boost local jobs, accelerate sales and improve economies. The Local Journalism Sustainability Act, S. 2434, is designed to help local news media support their newsgathering missions. One provision goes far beyond offering aid to community newspapers,...

  • The power to tax is the power to destroy

    Brett Wesner, President of Wesner|Nov 26, 2020

    The coronavirus pandemic has laid much of the American economy on its back - but a bright spot made the disaster less crippling than it might have been. That is the Paycheck Protection Program, which funneled money to workers through small businesses. More than five million small businesses took the PPP loans, representing 50 million jobs, Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin told Congress in June. It persuaded small businesses to keep people on the payroll instead of laying them off. That helped...